When God moves on the earth, will you miss it? When God does the miraculous, will you see it? When God provides signs and wonders that prove He is God, will you notice?
It is time to take notice. It is time to pay attention.
The prophets are speaking. What God is doing is not a mystery.
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. Amos 3:7 KJV
On Sunday, November 14, 2021, Robin D Bullock delivered this message to his church in Alabama. The video is available on his website as well as at Elijah Steams Intelligence briefing. A video of the prophecy was played during this episode of Elijah Streams.
This is the Word of the Lord from the Prophet
“Well, the time has come…sayeth the Lord. The time for the shaking of the nations to happen.
“The Lord says, I am about to show you what else was buried in those holes. For when I pull them out, they will reluctantly…will not want to come. But I will hook them says the Lord, by the jaw and pull them out of their holes and the world will see the corruption when the head comes out. For you will not be able to believe says the Lord of the world… that they were that filthy and that dirty that was buried. But the Lord says the shaking will drive them to the top.
“And it will bring them up from beneath the earth for you’re going to see it, we’re going to see. For I am going to take the blinders off the eyes of those who have been subverted…I am going to rip it off of their eyes…they will see what was wrong.
“Those who didn’t even believe in God…those of other religions…Buddism…Islam…those of Braman…all of those, they will see the corruption and they will look towards the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and say he’s the God, He is the God, there is only one God…He is Him… says the Lord.
“So watch for it to come…yes Lord I heard you…thirty days of repentance and it was not heeded.
“Now I heard the Lord say that now I am going to wrap mantles over other mantles. I am going to allow prophets and mantles to become like a guild and begin to overlap others…like Elijah and Moses for their mantles will overlap…some will walk and look like others and others will look like them and they will be walking and they will lock arms and walk in mantles…for the overlapping of these has begun.
“And you will begin to see governmental authority in the prophetic like you have never known before. For the enemy sought to destroy the prophets…the Lord said I came to build them up. For they are a mouthpiece, my mouthpiece and I am going to give them bolder prophecies still…
“For a major shift in the atmosphere has started and it will come from another dimension of time for I am going to walk through portals says the Lord, and I’ll not leave you behind for I am yours and you are Mine…and we are in covenant together in one blood.
“So remember I rescued Noah from the flood and I will rescue you…I will rescue my nations who call on me.
“A significant five will fall..a five…the five…five. Remember this day for the very stars are singing in harmony with the prophets…hear them hum…hear them hum…prophesy”
Are You Listening?
Anyone paying attention knows that nothing seems right. The government is telling us that evil is now good. and that anything good is evil.
As you hear from the prophet, God is moving. God will expose the evil. God will pull back the curtain. He will shine His light of truth to reveal the wickedness of demonic powers and principalities of darkness.
I write Christian fiction in the spiritual warfare genre.
Some who read my books say they are just too scary. They are frightened by the concept of demons and demonic power.
Take a look at where the world is at this very moment. Is it possible for so much evil to be taking place without an evil force behind it? It is explained perfectly in the Bible. The apostle Paul had this to say.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6: 12 KJV
Francis Schaeffer wrote in the book The Finished Work of Christ: The Truth of Romans 1-8 he said in part, “Nothing in all the universe can separate us from God’s love. It isn’t just the things we see, it’s also the things we don’t see. Supernatural forces, demons, all the forces of hell, the entire hierarchy of evil….” (emphasis added)
God is speaking through the prophets of today. We are being warned. The warning is a good thing, even if it seems frightening. God is about to save America and the world. God is exposing evil.
In the days ahead you will see signs and wonders. You will see things that only God can do. You will see miracles of all kinds.
The best ones are those of healing. The blind that see, the deaf that hear, and the lame that walk.
Some Will Be Frightening
There will be other miracles. Those who are corrupt, evil, and vile. Those who are liars, cheaters, murderers, swindlers, traitors, and many others like them will be exposed.
God is ready to fight for us, but we must do our part. Our part is to pray. Pray as if your life depends on it. For it does. Your life and mine depend on God pouring out His Glory and defeating the wickedness that has taken control.
As you read the prophecy above and wonder how God might move to make the ‘crooked ways straight’ consider the Executive scenario I wrote in my post. Read it here.
With God, All Things Are Possible
For another look at what God might do, Read my FREE story The Tent. It requires an email to receive the download.
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My goal is to have you read the story. Click The Tent image here.
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