A Battle of Good And Evil | A Deadly Pillow Fight Rages

A Battle of Good And Evil | A Deadly Pillow Fight Rages

The 2020 Presidential election saw MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell tirelessly campaigning for the President’s reelection. The effort has spawned a battle that is literally ‘of biblical proportions’. Good versus evil.

The fight intensified as Mike Lindell uncovered what he calls, ‘Absolute Proof ‘ that the election was stolen. Lindell, in a two-hour documentary, shows all his cards. Rigged voting machines, foreign cyber intrusions, and election officials hiding the machines from scrutiny, appear real. At the very least, it deserves a serious look by state officials.

Biblical proportions may seem dramatic to some, but the number of engaged Christians may be 35 to 50 million. The fight pits good against evil. It is a spiritual battle. The powers of darkness are attempting to destroy a man of God. A member of the Body of Christ. 

The people of God are no strangers to spiritual warfare. It is so real that the Apostle Paul wrote of it often including an entire chapter in the New Testament book of Ephesians.

There is a full-throated attack from the enemies of Donald Trump. Any who dares align themselves with the forty-fifth President does so at great pearl. There are people of the left vowing to destroy those who stand with Trump.

It’s not politics. It is personal destruction based on hate.

Those who oppose Donald Trump are not satisfied with removing him from office. They are bent on destroying him and any who side with him. Donald Trump will be toxic if his hate-filled enemies have their way. Anyone siding with the former president will be destroyed.

For a closer look, consider what these people are doing. 

MyPillow is a beautiful American success story. It is about a man who, against all odds, refused to give up on a dream to build a company destined to be great. A dream inspired by God.

Many who disagree with his politics have a hate-filled determination to destroy Mike and anyone with him. Many retailers have succumbed to the intimidation of the left and removed MyPillow products from their stores. Retailers rather yield to evil than defend freedom.

Private citizens have joined the fight. One Twitter post had a man bragging about dirty tricks to gum up the works for the MyPillow distribution center. It’s like watching 8th graders who think they’re cute.

But cute is not the right word. The correct description of what they are doing is wicked. It is dark, hate-filled people attempting to destroy the lives of those who dare disagree. Deaths number in the 100’s of millions in countries that have been successful in making such evil, demonic hatred mainstream.

It’s Worse Than That

Mike Lindell is a former crack cocaine addict. He lays it all out in his book,  What Are The Odds? From Crack Addict to CEO. For anyone throwing stones at Mike Lindell, read his book and then tell us how much you hate him. 

Some will take the challenge but most will not. The power of darkness, dare we say The Devil, has gotten a strong grip on millions of people who might otherwise be nice folks.

What most do not know is that Mike Lindell has been through so many treatment programs, he has lost count. He says in his book, that addicts don’t need to hear the same recipe over and over again on how to get clean. They need the supernatural power of God to show them their value and that they are loved.

Mike has created out of his own pocket, the Lindell Recovery Network. It is a faith-based resource to free people from their addiction. The network relies on local churches to minister to the addicts.

The ‘cancel culture’ of the left has attacked the Recovery Network. Because they hate Mike Lindell and the light of hope shining into the darkness where addicts live. Left-wing thugs are scaring pastors and churches away from working with the Network.

It is a battle of good and evil, light against the darkness. Who would want to destroy a program to help addicts break free of their addiction? 

There is an answer to all of this hate.

The answer is revival. It is an awakening of the human spirit to the knowledge of God. The Creator who knew you from your mother’s womb. The love of God, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is ready to break across America and the world.

The one thing holding back revival is the Church of Jesus Christ. When the church decides to come together to defeat the evil that is going around like a roaring lion seeking whom he can devour, God will move.

“if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land”. 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NKJV) emphise added.

Pray people. Pray the hearts of haters are changed. Pray that lovers of Christ will accept the truth of 2 Chronicles 7:14. Pray that the attacks against goodness are not successful. Pray that the Body of Christ will not allow the gates of hell to prevail.

Mike has a universal discount code at checkout when buying online. Use the discount code MIKE.

For those who may wonder, I am not an affiliate of MyPillow. I support Mike Lindell. I have read his book and I sleep with a MyPillow. It has given me the best night sleep I’ve ever had.

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