Lindell Recovery Network | God-Centered Addiction Recovery

Mike Lindell's Recovery Network | God and Addiction Recovery

Addiction is one of the great tragedies in America. The ravages of drug abuse, alcoholism, pornography, gambling, and other forms of addiction have found their way into nearly every family.

The Lindell Recovery Network was created to give addicts a path to recovery. The amazing success of the program rests in its foundation. That is the power and presence of Jesus Christ.

Mike Lindell, the founder of MyPillow, formed the network as a free resource for addicts of every kind. No matter what has them in bondage, the network is equipped to free them from the scourge of uncontrolled compulsions. 

Mike Lindell's Recovery Network | God and Addiction Recovery

In his best-selling book, What Are The Odds, From Crack Addict to CEO. Mike Lindell chronicles his story of addiction including years of using crack cocaine.

The book, an autobiography, is an unvarnished look at the creator of MyPillow. He is arguably one of the most recognized faces in America. 

Because of MyPillow, Mike has become one of America’s best-known CEOs. His television commercials are seen everywhere. Mike Lindell is no stranger to the public.

Reading his book you will learn that for several years, there was a force within him telling him his company would be a platform for something good. Something special, Something he could do for the benefit of others. 

A Platform for God

The platform is the result of the success of MyPillow. It gave Mike the financial resources to develop the Lindell Recovery Network

He also has the resources to create his own publishing company and publish What Are The Odds, From Crack Addict to CEO. All the money generated by the book is used to finance the addiction program. With his own publishing company, there are no middlemen.


The Lindell Recovery Network is free to anyone needing it. Health insurance or having the money for treatment is not a requirement for admission. The only requirement is a desire to get clean and sober.

In his years of addiction, Mike Lindell has personally seen the inside of more than a few treatment programs. All claimed to have the path to recovery. While Mike wished it were true, he knew being clean and sober would last but a day or two.

The hope of being free from his addiction did not exist. 

It was only after finding God that he was delivered, and set free, no longer having the desire to do drugs, Any drug.

How it works

Whatever the addiction, those wishing to find a way out of their dependency need only visit the Lindell Recovery Network website.

Based on where they live, their age, and their addiction, they will be paired with a Hope Match. That is, they are matched with someone who has been where they are. A mentor of similar age who has recovered from a similar addiction.

The addict has hope that they too, can be set free.

The website is filled with testimonies of others who have found life-changing deliverances. The common denominator in all the testimonies is the work of God.

Addicts, with the help of their Hope Match (mentor), are led into a life that helps them freely surrender to God, and it is His presence that sets them free.

If you would like to see more about those finding freedom from addiction, check out the new podcast and Facebook page of The Hope Report.

It worked for Mike

Addicts are introduced to God. Through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, they find His healing power.

It’s a miracle. Just as Mike Lindell says.

“What are the odds, a million to one? A billion?”

It’s a miracle. Jesus delivers the seeker who truly desires to change, and wants to be healed of whatever addiction consumes them. The result is a chance to live a life of purpose. 

God is glorified in that life of purpose, made new through faith in Jesus Christ.

What can we do?

Mike Lindell is a man of prayer. If you agree with him, pray that his efforts prosper. Pray that addicts, people lost to the powers of darkness are redeemed and raised up healthy and whole. Pray they are delivered from the principalities and powers, not of this world.

Here’s What I’m doing.

I am donating 100% of the royalties from my latest book, Joyce – A Spiritual Warfare Novel to the ongoing work of the Lindell Recovery Network. That includes both the ebook and paperbacks.

I write Christian fiction. I use Amazon Kindle for my ebooks and the print-on-demand platform at Amazon for paperbacks.

I am a small fish without the benefit of an agent or publisher. Amazon is the single best platform for an author like me.

The book is a great story. The five-star reviews testify to that. It’s fiction, but the elements of spiritual warfare are real. Let me encourage you to read the blurb on the books page at

Mike Lindell's Recovery Network | God and Addiction Recovery

Not only will you enjoy a great story, but the Lindell Recovery Network will benefit with 100% of the royalties. (I don’t make a nickel)

Ask any addict if demons are real. It is why a relationship with Jesus is successful. Demons can’t live where Jesus lives. When addicts come to faith in Christ, the Holy Spirit lives in them.

Watch the book video trailer here:

The Lindell Recovery Network is not responsible for the promotion of the novel and, except for being the recipient of proceeds, is not involved in any way with the book.

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