The Spiritual Fight of Good and Evil is Real

The Spiritual Fight of Good and Evil is Real

Reading fiction can be a wonderful escape. A quiet moment to enjoy the imagination of the author. Would it make a difference if the story was less imagination, and more experience?

The more believable the story, the greater the enjoyment. When rooted in experience, readers engage. The story is real, at least in the moments of reading.

What is believable? 

Those who have been followers of the Star Wars series know it is pure entertainment. The interaction between characters reflects a human experience, but the greater story is just that.

Harry Potter is perhaps the most widely read series in history. Millions of people, mostly younger readers, have read every word. J.K. Rowlings, the creator of Harry Potter has used her imagination to weave a story that everyone knows to be fiction.

The relationships among the characters reflect real-life friendships and adversaries, but, like Peter Pan, it’s make-believe.

What About Joyce-A Spiritual Warfare Novel

When I wrote the book, I was focused on the  words of St Paul to the church in Ephesus., ‘We do not wrestle against flesh and blood.’ 

There are very real spiritual beings waging war against the people of God. These same spirits, generally called demons, are the angels of God who were kicked out of heaven along with their leader, Lucifer because of their sedition.

An event that occurred before time.

Read Revelation 12: 7-9  NKJV

And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Joyce – A Spiritual Warfare Novel, Is it real or is it fiction?

The answer is both. The place is real. I know because I saw it. The city has no name because it is every city.

The people are real. I saw them. Each of them, and I know they’re real. They are you, me, our sons, our daughters. They are us.

I have been told that it is frightening. The events that unfold are unsettling, even scary. That’s the point. We should be unsettled by the works of evil. Aware, yet not be afraid.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 

2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV

There is evil in the world. 

It is the power of darkness that has brought us abortion. Find one good thing that has come from the killing of 60 million unborn children.

Find one good thing with pornography that is traded daily on the internet, on television, in our movie houses, and in books.

Find one good thing that has come from removing God from our schools, our government, and the public square.

Experts tell us of the seven cultural areas or mountains of influence in society. They include the media, government, education, economy, family, religion, and entertainment.

Every aspect of life can be placed in one of these areas or mountains. Satan has found a way to play a significant role in each. It takes little imagination to see just where the evil resides on each mountain.

The influence is dramatic, and most seem not to care. Evil feeds on the fleshly desires of people. They actually have found a religious aspect to their desires.

A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. John 10:10 TPT

Consider The Arch of Baal 

The God of creation has always been, but man continues to be persuaded by the powers of demons to follow other gods. They always seem to lead to Baal. 

The Spiritual Fight of Good and Evil is Real

Baal has the oldest and most evil false god in creation. Baal dates to the times before Noah. The false god is Lucifer, the fallen angel who is called Satan.

Consider the arch of Baal. There are now groups building replicas of the arch and dispersing them across the globe. Locations include New York, Rome, and London.

The arch is a portal of sorts. It is the place that the spirits of Baal will pass through into the natural realm.

During the Supreme Court nomination hearings of Judge Kavanaugh, a replica was erected on the Washington Mall. Worshippers of Baal protested the nomination largely on the issue of abortion. Child sacrifice is a tenet of Baal worship.

Evil is real

The work of evil in my book, Joyce – A Spiritual Warfare Novel is real. The story is fiction but the people, the city, and the workings of evil happen every day.

We are engaged in spiritual warfare. Just ask Damon West. He was a success by nearly any standard. Then evil grabbed him. Before it was over, Damon was sentenced to 65 years in a Texas prison.

Redemption is also real. There is no greater power than that of God. Grace abounds, mercy endures forever.

The evil in my book comes face to face with the power of heaven. It is spiritual warfare. A battle of good and evil. Demons in a fight with angels defending the righteous. It’s fiction, it’s real, it will frighten some, but all will find it worth their time.

The evil in addiction

One of the greatest evils in America in 2021 is the scourge of addiction. Nearly every family has suffered from the powers of evil. It is a spiritual attack that has millions trapped in the web of darkness.

The Spiritual Fight of Good and Evil is Real

Mike Lindell (The MyPillow guy) knows firsthand what addiction does. He also found what the power of God can do. 

All royalties from the sale of Joyce – A Spiritual Warfare Novel, both ebook and paperback editions are donated to Mike’s program, The Lindell Recovery Network.

Joyce – A Spiritual Warfare Novel  Reader reviews rate it 5 Stars on Amazon.

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