The Air Game – Cyber Symposium To Prove Election Fraud

Polls now show that more than a third of Americans believe that there was corruption in the presidential election. Biden won because of fraud.

In the quest to get to the bottom of November 3rd, analysts are pursuing two separate paths. The efforts, while completely different, are occurring simultaneously.

There Are Two Lanes.

The whole world knows about the forensic ballot audit being conducted in Arizona. The Maricopa County election officials have fought tooth and nail to stop the process, but it continues.

Several states have now sent delegations to Arizona to see how the audit is conducted. Many are citing the work in Arizona as the gold standard of election audits. It’s likely that similar audits will be conducted in Georgia, Pennsylvania, and elsewhere.

In Arizona, people in a position to know, believe that massive fraud is being uncovered. The audit is wrapping up and the results will be known soon. 

The audit is one lane. It has been dubbed the ground game.

The Air Game Is Lane Two.

Those not paying attention, or are watching the mainstream media for their news may not know what Mike Lindell (the MyPillow guy) has been up to.

It began on January 9th. Mike Lindell learned of evidence proving that a massive cyberattack had taken place and millions of votes had been flipped via computer. The attack involved foreign governments.

He has been mocked and ridiculed. The mainstream press ignored the evidence, refusing to look at it. They didn’t want to know what Mike has learned. Big tech chose to censor Mike’s claims. He’s banned from several platforms.

Lindell set out to prove the evidence was exactly as he was told. He hired cyber experts to analyze the evidence. It was exhaustive work involving dozens of experts. It has been done at an enormous cost. Mike Lindell has personally financed the work.

Using his new platform Mike published several videos that show how bad the cyber attack was. The last video in the series is Absolutely 9-0. The evidence is so convincing, he is certain the Supreme Court will decide 9-0 that other nations interfered in the November 3rd election. The election will be overturned.

Packet Capture – The Smoking Gun

The video presentation shows hundreds of internet intrusions coming from other countries into the United States. They coincide with election locations in dozens of states. 

While this shows activity, the nature of the activity is unknown. 

Then Mike Lindell learned of cyber hackers who saw the activity in real-time. They had the good sense to capture the packets. When they did, it had the effect of proving not only a crime but who did it.

Image for a moment, finding a video of a heinous crime as it’s committed. Then, after having pictures, you find massive DNA evidence left by the criminal. The case is what the DA would call ‘open and shut’. The jury will convict 12-0. Absolutely.

Pact captures are proof. They prove where the attack originated as well as the target. The best part may be the ‘payload’. That is, what the attack accomplished.

The website explains in easy terms, the value of packet captures

Here is a taste of what they say:

Packet Capture is a networking term for intercepting a data packet that is crossing a specific point in a data network. Once a packet is captured in real-time, it is stored for a period of time so that it can be analyzed, and then either be downloaded, archived, or discarded. Packets are captured and examined to help diagnose and solve network problems.

The Cyber Symposium

There are some members of the media with the courage to ask questions. When they talk to Mike they learn that the cyber evidence is overwhelming. The facts are so compelling that Mike Lindell is offering any cyber expert in the world to challenge his evidence.

Mike Lindell is sponsoring a cyber symposium. To be held on August 10, 11, and 12th, The venue has not been announced. He is inviting any experts holding the proper credentials to examine his evidence and work with his experts as to the origin and authenticity of the cyber attack and packet captures.

Cyber experts must possess a CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional)  certification. CISSP sounds like a good place to start.

The certification requires real-world experience and knowledge in cybersecurity. It’s not easy. The test is exhausting. Minimum experience is five years of work in cybersecurity. A sponsor, attesting to skill and experience is required. Learn more about CISSP Here.

The Media

The media is invited. They can sit on the front row and watch the experts examine the evidence. They will see firsthand the quality of the evidence. They will see the proof. The curtain is pulled back and they will see what a jury sees before convicting 12-0.

Lindell expects to live stream the event. Anyone with an internet connection will be able to watch. The public will see it for themselves without the spin of big tech and the media.

Mike Lindell, regardless of what you think of his politics, is a patriot. Truth is truth. Mike has seen what he believes is evidence that absolutely proves the election was stolen. 

Actors from outside the United States, primarily China, changed votes to elect the candidate they wanted.

Then What?

Once the evidence is validated by world experts, what do you think should happen?

Mike Lindell is a praying Christian. His business success has given him a platform to reveal the truth to the country. It is, in his view, Divine Providence.

Share your comments below. Tell friends. Don’t miss the three-day event running from August 10 through the 12th. You will be able to watch it all in real-time via live stream. Visit FrankSpeech for the updates.

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