Will You Believe God As He Moves Against Evil?

Will You Believe God As He Moves Against Evil?

The day is approaching when millions will say, “I can’t believe it.”

The world as we know it will change. Perhaps in a single day.

Many Bible-believing Christians will be among those who will choose not to believe the works of God.

How do I know this you ask. 

I listen to the prophets.

More than a year ago it was said that because man is unwilling to do it., God will cleanse the earth of evil 

There is an increasing tempo in the release of prophetic words. 

As things speed up, the world will have a difficult time digesting all that God is doing. Believers will say, “I can not believe it.”

God is moving to pull down the walls of wickedness across the globe. The powers of darkness are even now being defeated. The spiritual war between God and the workers of evil is being waged.

One prophet spoke of a time of honey and a time of vinegar.

We are in a time of vinegar. While vinegar has a pungent, unpleasant smell, it’s also a cleanser. It is a cleaning agent that purges and cleans.

God is doing a spring cleaning of the leaders of the nations like we have never seen

The signs will be there. Earthquakes, (the big one) abnormal weather, dramatic lightning storms, buildings falling, rock showers, volcano eruptions including Mt St. Helen, (again).

The signs are significant in that as we see prophecies come to pass, we will be more likely to believe and understand when the big changes occur.

The markets will crash. Gold and silver will skyrocket. Accounts will be reviled exposing the financial corruption across the nations. 

President and Governor Bush

A prophet recently spoke of the Bush family. It was a word of condemnation. The evil done by the family of Presidents and Governors will be exposed. The word Treason will be upon them forever.

It bothered me to hear it. Not that I don’t believe the word, but rather, that I was so blind to the works of the men I trusted.

George W Bush was asked who he respected most in history? Do you recall his answer? Jesus Christ.

It was then and is still all a show. 

Tell them what they want to hear.

We now understand why a 20-year war in Afghanistan and the seeming senseless war in Irag were waged. 

It had nothing to do with freedom. It had everything to do with the profits of war that President Eisenhower warned against when he referenced the great military-industrial complex

Fortunes are gained with the blood of our sons and daughters.

I was reading II Kings this week. As I read the first verses of Chapter three I was struck with the similarity in the transition of leaders.

King Ahab and Jezebel were dead. They were the most wicked among all the kings. 

The Clinton years have often been compared to the reign of Ahab and Jezebel. 

When George W Bush became president, there was a great relief in the minds of many. Clinton and his wife Hillary were no longer in power. While a large remnant of supporters remained, the truth of their wickedness is undeniable.

Will You Believe God As He Moves Against Evil?

This week we’re told to watch for the truth about the Bushs and John McCain to be exposed. We will be shocked.

The words of the prophets include more than words of rising and falling of kingdoms. There are little things.


Watch for rocks to rain down and flocks of birds reported as falling from the sky with no explanation. Watch for another high-rise building in Florida to be in the news.

The rocks will be from a meteor shower. They will destroy a power plant. A sign that God is in control.

The west coast will have two earthquakes. The real story about oil will be revealed.

There are many warnings coming from the prophets. 

People are cautioned to protect themselves with their choices. Will you believe the evil reports of the world, or the good news, which is the word of God? 

“All have a choice as to which report we listen to, adhere to, believe in, and obey. We are reminded that God’s grace is sufficient for us to receive and believe His good report.”

There will be changes, and some will not wish to forgo the works of their flesh and accept the mercy of God.

What do we do?

The most obvious is to pray. The prophets are firm that God will protect His people. Pray for protection. Pray Psalm 91 for yourself and your family.

Buy a journal and record what happens. There are ads on my site for journals that will be very beneficial in keeping track of all that will happen. Here are three choices available at Amazon. Just click on the image.

Will You Believe God As He Moves Against Evil?
Will You Believe God As He Moves Against Evil?
Will You Believe God As He Moves Against Evil?

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