Evil Is Here – War On The Innocent, Satanic Rituals

Evil Is Here - War On The Innocent, Satanic Rituals

The school shooting in Uvalde Texas remains in the news only for the purposes of the gun control lobby.

The real loss seems forgotten. The human tragedy has waned. The focus has shifted to a political agenda. 

Questions Not Answered

  • How did the shooter get the guns?
  • Who paid for them?
  • Where was the resource officer?
  • Why was the door unlocked?
  • Learning how it happened is secondary.
  • Banning guns is the real focus.

War on Kids

A recent article suggested that in fifty years Artificial Intelligence (AI) will define who children are. Why would anyone want a child to be little more than a robot?

In the meantime

The school room is the place to alter God’s creation. They have become human sexuality indoctrination centers. The push toward transgender thought is out in the open. 

Evil Is Here - War On The Innocent, Satanic Rituals

Child Sacrifice

Since Roe was decided abortion in the United States has taken more than 60 million babies.

The left is promising violence if Roe is overturned. It is proof of their need to satisfy the demonic gods they worship. 

There is a full-throated drive to vaccinate children with a vaccine proven to be more harmful than the virus. 

The obvious question is what’s in the vaccine?

Baby formula is suddenly in short supply. Infants will starve without it.

In the War on Children. It Appears Killing Them Is The Best Option.

  • Kill them in the womb is the first choice.
  • Starve them to death is next.
  • Poison them with vaccines.
  • Poison them with tainted breast milk. (mother was vaccinated)
  • Shoot them in schools is on the table

Those that are not killed are groomed by sexual predators. It is demonic. Satan is determined to take them. 

Evil Wants Your Child

It’s not new. It has a long, dark, history. Evil has been killing children for thousands of years.

Satan wants the most innocent of God’s creation. When a child is sacrificed, the lusts of the flesh including selfish ambition seem small. There is no sin man can not enjoy. 

Evil steals what God has created for good and perverts it.

Because Abel had a more perfect sacrifice, Cain killed him.

Sacrifice has been a part of God’s plan. Satan elevates it to the sacrifice of humans. Children can’t fight back.

Many scratch their heads at the idea of the ancient god Molech accepting children into the furnace. It was actually common.

Imagine for a moment a parent carrying a child to the iron arms of an idol, then watch as the child is rolled into the fire raging in the belly of that idol.

Think how loud the drum beats must have been to block out the screams of the children.

Evil Is Here - War On The Innocent, Satanic Rituals

Satan Is The Father of Lies. 

He has come to steal, kill and destroy.

In the days of antiquity, there were gods such as Baal, Molech, and Ashtoreth.  The god Baal was the reason for the ‘show down’ on Mount Carmel. 1 Kings 18:20-40.

Elijah’s showdown proved there is one God. 

Baal has no power. He’s a man-made god inspired by Satan to control men and keep them from the one true God. 

There is no other God but the God of creation. 

Satan and his demons present themselves as gods. They are the fallen angels cast out of heaven before time began. 

They create in the minds of people that there is a god other than the God of Genesis 1:1

Demons, fallen angels, drop suggestions into the minds (human spirit) of men. Generally, it is focused on selfish, lustful, pleasure. Paul, in Ephesians 2:3, calls it the lusts of the flesh.

The War on Children is Satanic

In a conversation with the medical worker, I mentioned that God is about to reset everything.

He was frustrated. Angry. He was mad at the idea that evil appears to be winning. 

“I get it, I believe it, but kids are dying today. They’re being shot, aborted and starved. Mothers are having vaccine-induced miscarriages, and breast milk can kill their baby,”

Evil Is Here - War On The Innocent, Satanic Rituals


The Jeffrey Epstein case is all about child trafficking, pedophilia, and human sacrifice. It is widely understood that a Satanic temple is present on his private island.

The list of ‘friends’ while not public, is known to include celebrities from all of the seven mountains of culture.

A reawakening is coming. God will reset everything. He is shaking what can be shaken and will make the crooked places straight. He will judge the wicked and remove the corrupt.

Pray Psalm 13. Stand strong and believe that God is God.

Evil Is Here - War On The Innocent, Satanic Rituals
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Mike Lindell Is An American Patriot

Those who know Mike’s story know he was once a crack cocaine addict. God delivered Mike and he is now the founder and CEO MyPillow.

I am donating 100% of the proceeds of my novel to the Lindell Recovery Network.

Team up with Mike. Buy the book. You’ll find it is an amazing story of good versus evil. And you’ll know Mike is getting the support he needs.

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