The Return Of The Rightful President – What Do You Believe?

The Return Of The Rightful President - What Do You Believe?

The idea of President Trump’s imminent return falls into three categories. The first includes those who believe he should never return. They believe he should be banned from serving in government. They are willing to do anything to stop him.

The house select committee on January 6th is exhibit ‘A’ in support of the never again view.

There are two groups that address when he will return. They only differ in the when and how.

The Realm Of The Spirit versus The Secular View

Dick Morris is promoting, The Return: Donald Trump’s Big 2024 Come Back.

Morris is predictable. His belief are easy to accept. It works for most who embrace the populist nationalism of Donald Trump. There is great hope that Morris is correct.

The storyline is simple. A red wave of candidates supporting Trump will take back the house and senate in November. The new Congress, beginning in January 2023, will begin to clean up the mess of the current administration. 

Hearings will likely dominate in attempts to drain the swamp. A new Congress will likely be effective in putting the brakes on much of the Biden agenda.

It sounds like a great plan, and for those who have only hope, it is likely the best plan to save America. 

it will not come close to solving the deep-rooted evil in government. 

One example. Congress does not control the Department of Justice. The DOJ belongs to the executive branch. The corrupt lawyers will still be in charge with effective maneuvering designed to block the actions of Congress.

The evil is not limited to the United States. It is a world problem. One needs only to look to the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization to understand what lies ahead.

For nearly two years, those listening, have heard the warnings. Man will not solve the problems of the world. The wickedness, the dark evil is so widespread, that finding enough people with the courage to stand up and defeat the evil is difficult to imagine.

It Is A Spiritual Problem

The condition of the United States in particular, and the world in general, is grounded in evil. Not just sin, poor life choices, or government overreach.

The problem is a dark satanic evil that is working to purge the world of anything righteous. The plan has a handful of leaders, likely less than a few thousand, to rule over all aspects of humanity.

The plan is for the world population to be winnowed to approximately 500 million. That of course means eliminating more than 7 billion people. A lot of people will have to die.

The methods for doing so are many. All will be needed, but the job will be accomplished if the WEF and WHO get their way.

Those who are left will be controlled by the rapidly emerging technology known as AI, artificial intelligence.

The Solution Is Spiritual

For two years, God has been moving on the earth. God had been making His plan known to His prophets. The prophets, in turn, have released to all those willing to listen, what God is telling them.

What has come about in the past two years is nothing short of remarkable. God’s plan is being revealed and it looks just like the prophetic words from His prophets.

It didn’t start two years ago. Prophecy given a decade ago is coming to pass. It is hardly a coincidence. 

What You May See From God

Miracles, signs, and wonders are to be expected from God

Scripture is filled with the mighty works of God. What is coming is often compared to the days of Noah or the deliverance of Israel at the Red Sea.

There are other miracles. Far too many for this article. As we go forward remember the days of  Elijah. Remember the showdown at Mount Carmel found in the Bible’s book of 1 Kings 18.

Led by Moses, the nation of Israel left Goshen in Egypt, in the Exodus. There were as many who stayed behind as those who trusted God and left. They were not left behind, they chose to stay behind. They missed one of the greatest acts of God.

We May Be In A Similar Moment. 

The Return Of The Rightful President - What Do You Believe?

Imagine for a moment a time when evil is exposed. The lies and the wickedness of nations and their leaders are revealed.

Imagine for a moment a time when certain wicked people are judged by God and their souls demanded of them.

Imagine for a moment a time when the hand of God exposes the lies of November 3, 2020, and restores the rightful president.

Imagine for a moment a time when the truth of the pandemic is revealed and we learn that the deaths were orchestrated by bureaucrats.

Imagine for a moment a time when the truth of human trafficking is exposed.

Imagine for a moment a time when we learn the full depth of the Satanic sacrifices of humans.

What’s The Timeline?

Dick Morris talks of the return of President Donald J Trump in an election in 2024.

God’s plan looks different. President Trump will return before Rosh Hashanah. He returns during the Jewish Golden Jubilee that ends on September 24, 2022.

The return will come during what could be a worldwide blackout of communications. That includes the internet being down completely for a period of time. The electric grid may be affected. How long? Perhaps days. A week. We don’t know.

The swamp of politics will be exposed. Many members of both the House and Senate will be removed for corruption. Many will likely be charged. Others may simply die.

The upheaval might be so great that Congress will not open in January 2023. The election of 2022 may not occur. All of the House of Representatives must be elected in November of 2022 in order to be seated in January. No election, no Congress.

The wickedness of the world can not be overstated. The truth, as it is exposed will be so disturbing that panic may break out. When evil comes to light, rage will increase across the world.

The good news is God is orchestrating a revival the likes of which the world has never seen. Miracles, signs, and wonders will be commonplace. The people will know God is real. They will have seen evil and know Satan is also real.

Last point. What is coming is not the rapture. It is not the last days of Revelation.

God is about to pour out His Glory. No one will be left behind. Unfortunately, some will choose to stay behind.

Fiction That Is Not Fiction

Spiritual warfare is real. The battle is being waged around the world. None of us are exempt. Read my Spiritual Warfare thriller and see just how real it can be.

Remember, 100% of the sales of this book, whether ebook or paperback, are donated to the Lindell Recovery Network. An addiction recovery program.

The Return Of The Rightful President - What Do You Believe?

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The Return Of The Rightful President - What Do You Believe?

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