Do You Say Hallelujah When You are Praising God?

Do You Say Hallelujah When You are Praising God?

I say Hallelujah a lot. I have always thought of it as a simple way of saying, ‘Praise God’.

I like it. I like the idea of having God in the forefront of my thinking. Like most, I have times of dryness. Moments when I sense a distance. A separation of sorts, between me and the Holy Spirit. God.

Hallelujah helps bring me back. A couple of Hallelujahs and I begin to work myself back into the closeness I want. I need it. I just want to be there.

Do you know what I mean?

What is Hallelujah.

We hear it all the time. Preachers, worship leaders, prayer warriors routinely say it. Its ubiquitous in the songs we sing. Brooke Ligertwood singing, A Thousand Hallelujahs is a favorite in my phone’s playlist.

Where does the word come from?

When I looked up Hallelujah in Strongs, I was directed to see ‘Alleluia’.

The word is used only five times in scripture. All of them in Revelation 19.

There is a great multitude celebrating in Heaven. “Alleluia! Salvation and glory and honor and power belong to the Lord our God!” Strongs Concordance says ‘praise ye Jah’.

The Greek word is Jah. (Yaw) The sacred name, Jah, an adoring exclamation, ‘Alleluia’.

The Hebrew word Yahh (yaw) is said to be the root source of the Greek word Jah.

Yahh is the Hebrew word that means: The Sacred name, the Lord most vehement

I suppose we can say that Hallelujah, Alleluia, is sacred. It is unto the Lord. It is Holy.

What does Praise and Worship mean to you?

Is there a reverence in the words we say and the songs we sing?

I was shocked when I learned there is a group that analyzes worship songs. Their effort appears to determine if a praise or worship song will be good or bad for the body of Christ.

What might a bad song sound like? Does it promote sin? Does it pay homage to the devil? Perhaps it has words that are vulgar or demeaning.

If there is profanity, or other such language I get it.

I read that repetition is not good. If the chorus or bridge contains the same words sung over and over, well, that might not be pleasing to God.

There was a time when the church pew included a hymnal. A book with hundreds of songs that had been approved by some authority. With only a few exceptions, I am not inspired by the songs in the hymnal.

I sing Hallelujah. I praise God. I worship Him. When I do, I do so believing that He knows my heart. God knows that I am sincere. To be insincere would certainly not be pleasing to the Holy Spirit.

How do you worship? How do you praise the Lord God?

If you’re unsure, or simply don’t, I want to encourage you to do so.

Psalms 148 tells us that all things sing praises to God. Not just people, but all things. Birds, fish, mountains, the moon and the stars. All things praise the creator of all things.

One last thing. If you are not praising God because you don’t know Him, this would be a good time to change that.

God came to earth as a man in the person of Jesus Christ. The only purpose was to give sinful people a pathway to heaven. (That would be everybody)

It’s important to know that God sends no one to hell. That is where everyone is headed. Jesus is the one who can save us from hell. Without accepting salvation offered through faith in Jesus, hell will be our final destination.

Salvation. It’s a free gift. You can’t earn it. It simply requires true repentance for the sin in your life, a turning away from that sin, and believing that Jesus is your savior.

Jesus saves us from hell. He being perfect, without sin, died to pay our debt. Our sins are forgiven because Jesus paid the price with His own blood.

Read more about your salvation and Being Born Again.

Question? Drop a note in the comments section below.


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Do You Say Hallelujah When You are Praising God?

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