Imagine A Rude Awakening, and Then A Great Awakening?

Imagine A Rude Awakening, and Then A Great Awakening?

Imagine if you will, a moment when the secrets of darkness are bought into the light. What if you were a journalist. One of reputation and a file comes to you over the transom so to speak.

What reaction would you have? More importantly, what would you do?

You want more details.

Imagine the day when the proof of worldwide wickedness is dropped into your lap. The anonymous donor has every expectation that you’ll do what is right.

In an attempt to keep you honest, you’re advised that the same file has been given to at least a score of your colleagues.

There’s more

The file you receive includes correspondence, photos, video, bank records and more. The information is the revealing of secrets done in the darkest corners of mankind. It appears luciferin. Satanic.

The file reports on people from all of the spheres, or mountains of culture.

Government, education, arts and entertainment, media, family, religion, and economy.

What if your name is in the file? What if your darkest, most horrific acts are exposed?

There will certainly be others receiving the information. Some may be all to happy to expose you. What are your options?

There are three for sure.

  1. Do nothing. Wait and watch.
  2. Confess, repent, and plead for mercy.
  3. Suicide.

The Rude Awakening

As I write this, I am coming to believe just such a scenario is about to unfold. I don’t begin to understand just how it will manifest, but I am certain the day is nearly here.

No one will be exempt

As I consider just what such a file might contain, I think about our culture. All the mountains listed earlier have household names among the inhabitants. They are going to be part of the great reveal.

I won’t even speculate on the mountain of government. It might be easier to identify those not in the file.

There is wickedness everywhere.

 In the church, pastors have become heiring’s. Schools have abandoned the children. Media is filled with shills all too happy to report lies as truth.

The entertainment industry is full of wickedness. Banks and financial centers are fraught with corruption. Medicine is being exposed. Murder is used to describe pharmaceuticals.  

Imagine if you will

Yes, imagine if the file came your way. What would you do? Would you have the courage to report on it?

Hold on

I know what you’re thinking. You must verify the file. Is it true? Are the photos real? Are the letters and accounts accurate?

All that was said about the dossier and the Hunter laptop. How hard did you look?

I can imagine that for some, the inclusion of their own life would constituent authenticity.

We all know that the Epstein townhouse in New York was a treasure-trove of photos and items suitable for blackmail.

The whole world understands that not one child molester or pedophile from Epstein Island has been charged. All while the film, Sound of Freedom is playing to packed houses.

A Great Awakening

The day is almost upon us. Are you ready? Everything will change. It will be everywhere. It will be all at once.

It will be a tsunami, a time of incredible shaking. It will be an earthquake. But it will be worth it.

Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.

Want more? Read You Must Be Born Again.

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