A Fall Decades In The Making – Leaders Choose Evil Over God

A Fall Decades In The Making - Leaders Choose Evil Over God

The fall of America did not happen overnight. The tweets of President Trump had nothing to do with the current condition. America turned away from God and embraced evil decades ago.

Corruption has always been a part of life. People are consistently willing to do anything to achieve power, prestige, and wealth.

Evil came into the world with Adam. The first murder was one son against the other.

America Has A History Of Corruption

In the modern era,  a great place to start is the election of 1961. Richard Nixon had the election stolen by a corrupt mayor in Chicago. The record is clear.  It’s not a conspiracy theory. 

On November 22, 1963, President Kennedy, the beneficiary of the stolen election, was assassinated.

In the 1960s, corruption moved quietly beneath the surface of government. The supreme court ruled that the bible can not be taught in school, followed by a decision that outlawed school prayer.

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Earl Warren, was a part of both decisions. He was also the man Lyndon B. Johnson tapped, to chair the commission charged with investigating the assassination of JFK.

The report was never made public. The contents were apparently so horrible, the government sealed it for fifty years. The seal assured that any who may have been guilty, or at least culpable in the assassination, would not be identified until after their death.

The fifty years expired while President Trump was in office. He must have been stunned. The fact that he refused to unseal the report indicates the damning nature of the findings. Trump did not want the public to know how bad corruption in government was. (or is)

Many hold the view that both the FBI and the CIA were directly involved in the Kennedy assassination. Lyndon B Johnson, known by the people of Texas to be corrupt, was the big winner with the death of JFK.

There’s More

President Eisenhower, as he left office, warned of a military-industrial complex. President Johnson took full advantage of the growing military budget with his war in Vietnam.

The public was sold a lie and Vietnam raged for more than ten years. As in every conspiracy, follow the money. President Johnson was closely tied to contractors like Bell Helicopter, the makers of the Huey. Reports show more than 7,000 of the helicopters were used in Vietnam.

It is alleged by many, that the FBI, headed by J. Edgar Hoover, corrupt in his own right, was directly involved in the assassination of Dr. King in 1968.

God Had No Quarter In America

In January of 1973, the United States Supreme Court ruled in Roe V. Wade opening the door to legal abortions. The killing of the unborn was officially sanctioned by the court’s 7 to 2 decision.

When Jimmy Carter was elected president, many thought an evangelical would be moving into the White House. Not so fast. Carter quickly showed he was not ready to defend Christians. It culminated with the takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran.

President Carter was not called by God. He may have taught Sunday school, but any Christian influence stayed outside the oval office. Any thought of an anointing is simply. wishful thinking.

Corruption in government is not unique to the 20th century. Those elected to serve, however, went a long way in perfecting the art of cashing in on their office.

We could continue. We could rehash the house banking scandal of the 90s. We could revisit the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that cost the nation untolled amounts in blood and treasure. While it was happening, politicians continued to cash in.

It is why they spend millions of dollars for a job that pays less than $200K?

Here We Are

More than 60 million lives have been lost to abortion. The laws of God were cast out decades ago so the marriage can now be between whoever wants to be married. Congress is telling boys they can be girls and girls can be boys. The taxpayer is told to pay for it.

An election was won by a man whose mind is obviously failing. It’s widely believed that, like 1961, the election was stolen. 

Some believe the end result of the 2020 stolen election might be similar to the one in 1961. Will Harris become the 21st century Johnson?

There is more, but what’s the use.

A Fall Decades In The Making - Leaders Choose Evil Over God

Is God judging America? Has the nation slipped so far towards Gomorrah that the wrath of God is inevitable?

Maybe not. There are millions praying that God would show mercy. The glimmer of revival is seen in many places across the nation. The youth of America appear to be leading the charge. They are beginning to hear from God and are turning to Him

America can be saved. The solution is exactly what the millennials and those even younger are seeking. Revival.

Pray they are right. Pray for revival. Pray that the strongholds of wickedness are pulled down. Pray that light casts out darkness. Pray that God’s will is done.

A revival in America will birth a Great Awakening across the globe. Imagine for a moment what will happen when the wickedness and evil of the CCP and others are cast out by God.

It is going to happen. Pray that it comes soon.

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