A Simple Message You Must See That Is Being Censored|Video

A Simple Message You Must See That Is Being Censored

I just received an email regarding Jonathan Cahn. He is the best-selling author of The Harbinger. He was a principal organizer of The Return, a gathering in Washington DC in September calling America to repent and “Return to me, and I will return to you,” Malachi 3:7.

It is easiest to simply show you the email

We are living in dramatic times.  A new agenda has taken power that will threaten freedom of speech, religious liberty, the lives of unborn children, ministry, and the Gospel itself.

“Along these lines, Jonathan Cahn, who has long spoken at the Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast, decided to record his message to Joe Biden, America, and believers:  “Jonathan Cahn: Prophetic Message to Joe Biden.”   Immediately after its posting, the video went viral.  By the end of the first day, over 600,000 people had seen it.  By the middle of the second day, it had surpassed a million views. 
That’s when things got strange.  It turned out that “Big Tech” was trying to suppress the video.  The only places it remained were on the sites of those who had reposted it in the first 24 hours (most of those sites were small).  The video no longer came up in searches.  Readers had no way to get to it.  It just disappeared and was as if it had never existed.
So we want YOU to hear the message for yourself, the message that the authorities of the web deemed too dangerous to hear!
Just click on the video thumbnail (above) or click on this link and it will take you to the actual site that’s been cut off.  
After you see it – feel free to help get Jonathan’s message out.  Consider sending it to as many friends and loved ones as possible. 
“I believe you’ll find it powerful, prophetic, and encouraging.
Just click on the video thumbnail above, watch it, then please send it to your friends.
“I pray it blesses and strengthens you…

God Bless You.  Thank you for your support!


Kevin Jessip
President of The Return International

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