Are The Police Still On The Side Of The People?

Are The Police Still On The Side Of The People?

There is a new, growing concern regarding police actions. Something has changed. Are these men and women of law enforcement the same people who live next door?

Are they the same people who enjoy the mantle, Blue Lives Matter

It seems as though we have come a long way since July 7, 2016, when a sniper began shooting police officers in Dallas Texas. The five killed and nine wounded are heroes. The same can be said of the dozens who stood in the breach to hunt down the killer?

While tragic, it is what we have always expected from law enforcement. They do what most won’t.

In 2022 there are questions. Can we still expect law enforcement to do what is right? I think there are still many ready to step up, but more and more citizens are asking, where we are heading?

What Are You Talking About? You Ask.

I love the police. I was one. What I have seen in recent times is heartbreaking. Let’s work it backward.

I just saw a short video of officers tackling a guy running across a soccer field with a sign. I have no idea where it happened or what the sign said.

What I saw were three, then four officers covering the demonstrator with their bodies. Then one began to violently jab the man with a nightstick. Like a stabbing motion one would use with a spear.

It was violent. Hard to watch. So much so that spectators and athletes came to the aid of the demonstrator. The scene quickly changed. The security officers were on the receiving end of violence.

I quietly cheered when I saw the fans intercede.

Are The Police Still On The Side Of The People?
I found it on YouTube so you can decide.

How About Ottawa

I won’t blame the tyranny of the Prime Minister on the police. I will blame them for the heavy-handed means of dispersing the peaceful protesters.

Thousands had gathered in Ottawa to protest the loss of freedom. 

It morphed into a love fest of sorts. Hugs, handshakes, prayers. They grilled out in the freezing weather. A hot tub was reported to have been present. This was hardly a riot.

Not one window was broken. Not one fire set. Not a single act of violence was reported. They shoveled snow and removed their own trash. The protesters were respectful at every turn.

The government-controlled media captured a photo of a nazi symbol and painted the entire protest as a white supremacists rally. 

Viva Frei, a YouTube creator and Montreal lawyer live-streamed more than 40 hours over twelve days, and not once was anything recorded that even came close to what Canada television was reporting.

Then the police moved in. The peaceful protesters were met with violence including some being trampled by the horses of RCMP. Video of what seemed like relentless beatings at the hands of the police popped up on social media. 

January 6

Ashli Babbitt was shot and killed in the Capitol building on January 6, 2021. She was unarmed and posed no threat to anyone. There were police officers just feet away. Had she been a threat, they could have easily taken non leathel action.

The shooting death of Ashli Babbitt by Capitol police officer Michael Byrd has never been seriously reviewed.

Are The Police Still On The Side Of The People?
Ashlie Babbit and Michael Byrd

While she lay dead on the floor, another woman, Rosanne Boyland was beaten to death and a third party severely beaten in a Capitol tunnel.

Video of the beating is available. Nothing has been done. Nothing to see here folks, move along.

George Floyd

After the George Floyd incident in Minneapolis on May 25, 2020, cries to defund the police were everywhere. It was a bad idea then and it still is. Unfortunately police actions like the ones cited here make it hard to trust those who are to uphold the law. 

Derek Chauvin, was convicted of killing George Floyd. The cause of death was an overdose of illegal drugs. Namely fentanyl. 

The video of Chauvin kneeling on Floyd for nearly 9 minutes was an approved tactic taught in the police academy.

Derick Chauvin was sentenced to more than 22 years in prison. Whether the sentence meets the crime is for another time. I only ask why similar action was not taken against the killers of two women in the nation’s capital on January 6, 2021.


The FBI has proven they are corrupt. They were once considered to be the premier law enforcement agency in the nation, if not the world. No longer. 

They have violated the rights of citizens, manufactured evidence, committed perjury, and sent innocent citizens to jail. And they are not isolated cases.

False Flag Events

The kidnapping conspiracy case regarding the Michigan governor is now known to have been a false flag event. A conspiracy concocted by the FBI. The FBI would entrap men to falsely prove a swelling white supremacy movement in America.

There were more FBI agents and informants in the plan than actual members of the Oath Keepers, the organization they were trying to entrap.

There is a congressional committee holding hearings to prove the January 6th incident at the capitol was an insurrection. 

Not So Fast. 

Video and witness statements show that the Capitol Hill police opened the locked doors to allow the people to enter. The videos further prove that most who went in acted like tourists. They stayed within the ropes and took pictures.

Some who were arrested have plead guilty to ‘parading’. Hardly a crime consistent with an insurrection.

A handful acted like thugs. What we are now learning, however, is many of those, just as in Michigan, were false flag plants. They were there to make the peaceful gathering look like an insurrection.

Who Would Do Such A Thing?

The answer is simple. It is bitter to think it is true. The government is behind the brutal acts of police. The FBI and Capitol police are front and center in the corruption.

We now know that the FBI had paid operatives in the crowd at the capitol to agitate and encourage violence. The capitol police let them in.

Truth Is A Pesky Thing.

Are The Police Still On The Side Of The People?

The corruption of governments and the abuses of those with power will soon come to an end.

A Covenant Nation 

Four hundred years ago America made a pact with God. A covenant was created. 

When the people follow God and do what is right in His sight, He will protect and prosper them.

For more than six decades, America has turned from God. And God has allowed the darkness of evil to have its way. For sixty or seventy years spiritual darkness has been festering, growing and gaining power. 

The darkness of evil is the evil we see in corrupt governments and the law enforcement agencies they control.

There are good and honest police that have been a part of the tyranny. To those, I can only say, 

We were only following orders” did not work as an excuse at Nuremberg.

Are The Police Still On The Side Of The People?

Following evil orders is itself evil. When you know better get out. It is a simple concept.

Are The Police Still On The Side Of The People?

God Has Heard The Prayers Of The Righteous.

God is moving. The prophets are speaking. A great shaking has begun. The wickedness will be pulled down. Those who refuse to repent and turn from their wicked ways will be judged. Justice is coming.

There will be no secrets. Everything is being exposed.

I want everyone to read my short story The Tent. It is FREE just by asking. Click the image below. Subscribe to my website. The story is a fast easy ebook downloadable to any device.

Are The Police Still On The Side Of The People?

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