Be Aware – There Is A Timeline – And The Time Is Now

Be Aware - There Is A Timeline - And The Time Is Now

The prophets are bold. Just a few days ago I wrote asking if you were listening. There are changes coming that many will not expect. Many will be caught unaware.

No sooner had the post gone live than I saw a program with Bo Polny. 

He presents a timeline. He is not a prophet. He is an analyst. He listens to what prophets are saying and finds how it can be supported by scripture. There is more to it, so watch the video.

For perspective, this video has had 114K views since Thursday.

Watch the full episode of  ElijahStreams. Even if it takes a couple of sessions, watch all of it.

I had never heard of Bo Polny. Some who read this may know him. You may have seen his material and have an opinion. 

In the video he mentioned talking to one of the largest churches in Southern California, he learned they had never heard of any of the prophets routinely appearing on Elijah Streams.

As I thought about it, I realized that prior to the pandemic, we didn’t know about prophets. It was in fact, not until we heard of Jonathan Cahn and his best-selling book The Oracle did we begin to learn about things we had missed for years.

The lockdown closed churches. We went online. A lot. We found a large church in Southern California. Never did we hear anyone speak of the prophets of today or the works of people like Jonathan Cahn.

The James Dobson Interview Started It All

It was a James Dobson interview with Johathan Cahn that began a journey. It included several books and then The Return. An event in Wahsington DC on September 26, 2020,(virtual). Next came what is now known as The World Prayer Network, and then programs like Elijah Streams and so much more.

Here We Are

In his downloadable FREE 90 page PDF, Bo Polny covers the information in the video plus a lot more. Visit the website and click the download for the PDF. Free. No email, nothing. Totally free

Be Aware - There Is A Timeline - And The Time Is Now

Both the Elijah Streams program of November 18, 2021, and the PDF available from Bo Polny, offer amazing points we all need to be aware of.

I don’t know what is going to happen. I believe God is moving in ways none of us will fully understand until we are in tomorrow looking back. Then, I believe, we will say, PRAISE GOD.

I want to make one overarching point. God is doing something. The world is about to change, forever.

Be Aware - There Is A Timeline - And The Time Is Now

Whether you accept the words of the prophets or you don’t, it is important to at least be aware.

It is far better to be prepared and get a few things wrong than to go unprepared and find the warning to be true and accurate.

Please take the time to watch the Elijah Streams episode above.

Never forget the boldness of the prophets of scripture. Noah told the people it would rain. No one had ever seen rain. They didn’t know what it meant.

Israel’s King Ahab and Queen Jezebel were evil murderers and followers of Baal. Elijah the prophet was bold when he said, “The dogs shall eat Jezebel on the plot of ground at Jezreel, and there shall be none to bury.’ ” (2 Kings 9:10) Elijah was speaking to Ahab the king. The most powerful man in Israel.

Be Aware - There Is A Timeline - And The Time Is Now

The Time Is Short

Finally, be aware that the time is short. Just in the past couple of days both Julie Green and Timothy V. Dixson have testified to what they are hearing from the Lord. The time is short.

Couple their bold prophetic words and the timeline of November 2021 from the PDF and Elijah streams video we can expect a mighty move of God at any time. 

Thanksgiving of 2021, may be a pivotal moment. It is 400 years from the first Thanksgiving in the year 1621. As you’ll note in the timeline, in scripture, 400 is a significant number of years.

Be sure to read this short story. It is a free download. I only ask for an email address to send it to. If the email troubles you, you can unsubscribe anytime.

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Be Aware - There Is A Timeline - And The Time Is Now

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