LeBron, Can Deception and Greed Find a Way into Sports?

LeBron, Can Deception and Greed Find a Way into Sports?

It’s not a trick question. When it comes to LeBron James, I believe there is plenty of room to believe both are true. Yes, LeBron James was deceived. But now he has gone full woke. And it’s all about him.

Lebron is like many other athletes who have risen to the top of their game. It stems first from their God given abilities, and, in the case of LeBron, his size. None of us can control how tall we become.

Once it is known that a student has a gifted advantage in sports, finding a great high school in which to grow, is nearly automatic. So, it was for LeBron James.

Enrollment at the Catholic high school, St Vincent-St Mary in Akron Ohio is the sort of thing that comes from being special.

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Imagine A Rude Awakening, and Then A Great Awakening?

Imagine A Rude Awakening, and Then A Great Awakening?

Imagine if you will, a moment when the secrets of darkness are bought into the light. What if you were a journalist. One of reputation and a file comes to you over the transom so to speak.

What reaction would you have? More importantly, what would you do?

You want more details.

Imagine the day when the proof of worldwide wickedness is dropped into your lap. The anonymous donor has every expectation that you’ll do what is right.

In an attempt to keep you honest, you’re advised that the same file has been given to at least a score of your colleagues.

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Evil Is Being Exposed, What’s Coming Will Be Biblical

Evil Is Being Exposed, What’s Coming Will Be Biblical

The New Era of God has arrived. It began when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. The landmark decision eliminated the federal protection on abortion. There is no constitutional right to kill the unborn.

I have written here what the New Era means. The Way I See It,

The day is nearly upon us when all will change. It is important to know that this is not the rapture of the church. The time has not yet come for the Bride of Christ to return with the Groom to heaven.

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What Are You Hearing? Do You Know About God’s Great Move?

What Are You Hearing? Do You Know About God's Great Move?

As America and the world move ever closer to the “New Era”. it is becoming equally obvious that many church leaders are on the outside.  As God moves to restore His righteousness some pastors are content to watch.

Whether you are a follower of Christ, an apostate, or worship Baal, know that God is moving. His Glory will fall. The Holy Spirit will have His way in the land. The only question is, will you take part, or will your unbelief steal your inheritance?

There appears to be a wide swath of Christian churches, many from the various denominations, walking in unbelief. The coming Glory simply does not fit an acceptable religious narrative.

I wonder if it might be compared to Saul. A Jewish Pharisee and religious zealot. There was nothing in the training of Saul, that would allow him to accept that Jesus of Nazareth was as He claimed. 

Not even the signs, wonders, and miracles could persuade Saul of Tarsus to accept Christ.  

It would be later, after his road to Damascus experience, that Saul would preach Acts 13 including verses 40-41.

What Are You Hearing? Do You Know About God's Great Move?

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The Return Of The Rightful President – What Do You Believe?

The Return Of The Rightful President - What Do You Believe?

The idea of President Trump’s imminent return falls into three categories. The first includes those who believe he should never return. They believe he should be banned from serving in government. They are willing to do anything to stop him.

The house select committee on January 6th is exhibit ‘A’ in support of the never again view.

There are two groups that address when he will return. They only differ in the when and how.

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Supreme Court Reverses Roe Opens New Era Of God

Supreme Court Reverses Roe Opens New Era Of God

The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. In doing so, they have given God the opportunity to again begin blessing the nation.

For fifty years, The United States government openly condoned the sacrifice of the unborn to whatever god the people chose. Be it the god of convenience, the god of finances, or the literal sacrificing of the child to Baal, America killed 63 Million babies.

God Warned America

Beginning with the attack of September 11, 2001, prophets have been warning of God’s judgment on America.

No one listened. 

America saw judgment again with the economic meltdown of 2008.

Again, no one was listening.

America continued on its path of spiritual decline. Abortion on demand was rampant. Marriage was redefined to include men marrying men, and women marrying women. LGBT groups have become strong political forces.

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There Is Only One Truth

There Is Only One Truth

Two plus two will always be four. Gravity will always cause items to fall down, never up.

The sun will always rise in the east and set in the west.

What is true is true. It’s the truth.

Merriam-Webster defines true as:

  • An adjective as in true faith.  Steadfast, Loyal, Honest, Just
  • An adverb means without deviation. The bullet flew straight and true
  • A noun. Truth, Reality
  • A verb. To make level, square, balanced

When people testify in court they are sworn to tell the truth. They are to tell the whole truth, nothing but the truth. Saying it like that supposes that there is a truth that is not the whole truth. It is possible to say something that is true, but it may not necessarily be accurate truth.

In court, lawyers frame questions in a manner that requires accurate, true answers. People are sneaky. They will oftentimes look for a way to lie without lying.

I think that we can safely say that a lie, is a lie, is a lie.

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Time Is Running Out For The Enemies Of God – Roe, And The Summer Solstice

Time Is Running Out For The Enemies Of God - Roe, And The Summer Solstice

We are about to witness the greatest moment in history. 

We can not fathom how great this will be. What God is about to do will be greater than Exodus.

YES, It will be greater than what happened at the Red Sea. It will and greater than the days of Noah and the flood.

This will be one of the greatest worldwide moves of God in all of history. It’s going to be biblical, It’s going to be of God. And it’s going to involve Proverbs 13:22.

But the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.

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Like The Days Of Noah, God Will Judge The World

Like The Days Of Noah, God Will Judge The World

“We are in the last of the ten steps to a tyrannical takeover”. So says Naomi Wolf – Author and former political strategist.

The decades-long plans of a handful of elites to rule the world are nearly complete. 

The man-made pandemic is a significant key in the quest to gain total control. Through systematic infringement on liberty, governments across the globe used fear to entice people to comply.

It worked. Millions freely surrendered God-given human rights in exchange for the belief they would be saved from the pandemic.

“We were seeing a wholesale race to exploit what was messaged as a global pandemic in such a way as to strip us of our remaining liberties and to terraform America, conceptually, into being ready to accept a CCP-style World Economic Forum-guided post-humane and post-constitutional world,” 

Naomi Wolf

An Epochtimes article by Joseph Mercola is a summation of his hour-long interview with Wolf. They expose the evil that is at the heart of the pandemic, 

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Evil Is Here – War On The Innocent, Satanic Rituals

Evil Is Here - War On The Innocent, Satanic Rituals

The school shooting in Uvalde Texas remains in the news only for the purposes of the gun control lobby.

The real loss seems forgotten. The human tragedy has waned. The focus has shifted to a political agenda. 

Questions Not Answered

  • How did the shooter get the guns?
  • Who paid for them?
  • Where was the resource officer?
  • Why was the door unlocked?
  • Learning how it happened is secondary.
  • Banning guns is the real focus.

War on Kids

A recent article suggested that in fifty years Artificial Intelligence (AI) will define who children are. Why would anyone want a child to be little more than a robot?

In the meantime

The school room is the place to alter God’s creation. They have become human sexuality indoctrination centers. The push toward transgender thought is out in the open. 

Evil Is Here - War On The Innocent, Satanic Rituals

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