The War On Children – What Evil Is Willing To Do

The War On Children - What Evil Is Willing To Do

I have begun to doubt just about everything.

The only sustaining truth is The Word of God. If it were not for that truth, I am not at all sure what I might have become by now.

The case of Uvalde Texas and the horror of evil killing innocence is hard to believe let alone understand.

In the unfolding story, however, the facts seem to cloud exactly what evil was present at the Robb Elementary School on May 24th.

To be clear. I do not know what the truth is. I only suggest that we have not been told the ‘real’ as in ‘all’ the truth. We have been told a story framed to be the truth.

As I watch the Uvalde case, I am getting closer to what the mainstream would call a truther.

Truthers do not accept the popular narrative. Conspiracy theories are spawned from unbelief.

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Congress Uses Mafia Tactics To Launder Your Money

Congress Uses Mafia Tactics To Launder Your Money

The United States Congress passed with large margins, a $40 Billion give-away to Ukraine. The fact the money has virtually no checks or safeguards is the least of the problem.

Beyond being an obscene amount of money, we are faced with the fact that Ukraine is arguably the most corrupt nation on the planet. In addition to human trafficking, it is the epic center of worldwide money laundering.

What that means is, that the money goes in, and then comes out to hundreds of untraceable recipients. Politicians, oligarchs, NGOs, and others split the cash with very little going to the people or agencies for which it was allegedly intended.

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Politicians Sell Out America For $40 Billion

Politicians Sell Out America For $40 Billion

Ukraine handout exposes worldwide corruption.

The most recent example is the $40 Billion gift from America to the oligarchs of Ukraine. It is certainly believable that members of the World Economic Forum and others are getting a cut.

And then there is the 10% to the Big Guy.

The criminal cabal known as the U.S. House and Senate is center stage. A handful of politicians traveled to Ukraine to assure the puppet leadership that the money is coming. 

Leading the way was Speaker Pelosi, who has had family members on the Ukraine payroll. Yes… Hunter Biden was not the only one receiving millions of dollars because of his name.

Mitch McConnell and his closest conspirators also made the pilgrimage.

I thought it reasonable to believe Republican Senators would defend the American public and vote against the handout.

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A Miracle Win By Rich Strike

A Miracle Win By Rich Strike

When God has something to say, He may do so in the most unexpected way.

The run for the roses known as the Kentucky Derby is a wonderful example. What does the prophetic win by Rich Strike really mean?

For those who have ears to hear and eyes to see.

This prophetic word is for you. Take your time. Read it, watch the video. This is an unbelievable message of encouragement. 

Let not your heart be troubled, The Lord is moving.

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Cry Out! Say Yes To God’s Accelerating Moves On Earth

Cry Out! Say Yes To God's Accelerating Moves On Earth

For those paying attention, it seems obvious that a great shift is coming. Each new day brings revelations of God exposing lies and corruption across the earth.

The wickedness of man is being exposed. 

There are new prophetic words almost daily now. Things are accelerating in the realm of the spirit. There is a lot going on. It is monumental.

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Are The Police Still On The Side Of The People?

Are The Police Still On The Side Of The People?

There is a new, growing concern regarding police actions. Something has changed. Are these men and women of law enforcement the same people who live next door?

Are they the same people who enjoy the mantle, Blue Lives Matter

It seems as though we have come a long way since July 7, 2016, when a sniper began shooting police officers in Dallas Texas. The five killed and nine wounded are heroes. The same can be said of the dozens who stood in the breach to hunt down the killer?

While tragic, it is what we have always expected from law enforcement. They do what most won’t.

In 2022 there are questions. Can we still expect law enforcement to do what is right? I think there are still many ready to step up, but more and more citizens are asking, where we are heading?

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Canadian Truckers Honking The Way To Freedom – Another View

Canadian Truckers Honking The Way To Freedom - Another View

Canada has been showing the world what a freedom fight looks like. 

The Canadian Government has chosen to react with tyranny.

For more than two weeks, a band of ordinary citizens has formed a ‘Freedom Convoy’ to show solidarity of purpose. The purpose is simple. Restore basic freedoms.

A convoy of hundreds, perhaps thousands of big trucks have made their way across the country to assemble in Ottawa, the nation’s capital. 

A peaceful gathering to protest the actions of government.

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The Glory Of God Is Moving In The Earth – Do You See It?

A great American broadcaster often says, “There are no conspiracies, but there are also no coincidences.” 

I have written and commented a lot regarding the pending moves of God. A revival. A Great Awakening.

A time when God ends the dark wickedness terrorizing the country. (And the world) He will renew His covenant with America. 

The remnant church of Jesus Christ has been praying for revival. If we look for a single event that launched the outpouring of prayer, it may well be September 26, 2020. 

That is the date of The Return. A huge gathering of believers on the National Mall in Washington D.C. for prayer and worship. It was no coincidence that a similar event was simultaneously taking place at the Lincoln Memorial

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March For Life – A Time To Agree With God

March For Life - A Time To Agree With God

While reflecting on March for Life 2022, I posted the graphic you see here along with the comment, “God is Pro-life”.

Think about that for a moment. God is Pro-Life. (!)

Of course He is. He is the creator of life. Those that choose to destroy life, for whatever reason, are doing what God detests. They oppose the Creator. 

How do we know? Exodus 20:13 You shall not murder. NKJV

We know God is for life. We know that we, (mankind) are created in His image. He created man because of His love. What I want to do in this post is reflect on a few other things God is for. 

What else? 

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What Do You Believe? Are You Hearing The Truth?

What Do You Believe? Are You Hearing The Truth?

We must know what we believe. The questions are being asked over and over again. Is the government lying to me? Am I hearing the truth? Can I trust what they are doing?

At nearly every turn we see things that don’t make sense. We are locked down, wearing masks, and must be vaccinated to work. The question is important when we consider the tens of thousands crossing the southern border without any limitation. Those same people are secretly relocated into the heart of the nation.

Are the mandates in place because of the virus, or are we being brainwashed to blindly follow orders?

Consider the adverse reactions to the vaccine that are not reported publically. The data is available but any attempt to disclose the numbers is met with censorship.

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