We Have Changed How We Live – The First Focus Is Jesus

We Have Changed How We Live - The First Focus Is Jesus

Everything has changed. The year 2020 has shown that the first focus of our lives must be Jesus.

Since Covid-19, the lock-down, masks, and the horrible election of November 3rd, we found the need to change nearly everything we do.

It includes how we pray and our attention to God, and His word.

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. 

James 4:8 NKJV

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It’s A Clear Choice, Right?

Maybe it’s just me, but recent comments on the presidential race have me scratching my head. Really! This almost feels personal, that my choice is not so clear.

What am I talking about? Certain theologians are not telling me (us) how to vote, but rather explaining why my (our) vote could be wrong. It’s almost like, ‘I know you’re sincere, but you’re sincerely wrong.’

I take it to mean that neither choice (candidate) is worthy of support. I wonder who the theologians with all the answers will pick. Or is that left to the less sincere?

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An Answer To Why

An Answer to Why

Those who have, or are raising children, know about the question “Why?”

Sometimes the only reasonable answer is, “Because I said so.” To explain further is a waste of breath. Your response is not to be mean or to simply quiet the child, but because the child will not understand. They do not have the capacity to understand.An Answer To Why

It is normal, even as an adult, to ask ‘why’. It can be about nearly anything. Often it has to do with issues of the universe, or morality, or human responsibility or unfair treatment, or, and the whys go on and on.

Being a Christian often means having to accept that very answer. “Because I said so.”

Man is not capable of understanding all the answers.

Non Christians may have never heard this truth. Even Christians are often unaware of it.

Truth is truth.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” and what follows, “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Speaking to faith in the God of Heaven, whether you believe, or choose not to believe, it is still true. Truth is not changed because of what people think.

There will always be “Why?”, and the only answer may be, “Because I said so.”

It’s hard sometimes to not know.

It’s hard to grasp the concept, we don’t know, what we don’t know.

It is those times, that we hear the answer, “Because I said so.”

As parents, because we love our children, there will be times when that is the only answer. They won’t understand. They often think we’re mean or don’t care.

We know that’s not true. We know that our love is so great, we are willing to hear the words, “I hate you.” And sometimes, they disobey.

Love abides. It will forever. From us to our children, and God to His.

My musing for today. Love to hear what you think. Drop a note in the comments section below.