Is The World About to See the Last Days Rapture?

Is The World About to See the Last Days Rapture?

I have been engaged with a dear friend, in a debate over the thought of the end times and a rapture of the church. What was the Apostle John telling us in his Revelation of Jesus Christ?

My friend, like so many in the modern evangelical church, believes that the events now taking place in the world, are absolutely what John was speaking of in his letter.

The Luciferin evil is beyond imagination. It’s never been this bad. It must be the end times.

My friend is in very good company. Many, if not most of the ‘big’ names in the church are telling their congregations to stop fretting about the wickedness in the world. Lift up your heads, your redemption draws near.

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Do You Have a Clean Heart? Are You Sure?

Do You Have a Clean Heart? Are You Sure?

Prepare In Me A Clean Heart

This verse is familiar. ‘Prepare in me a clean heart, Oh God. And renew a steadfast (right) spirit within me.’ Psalms 51:10

A decade ago, while working the Eagle Ford Shale oil field of south Texas, I listened to Keith Green sing his beautiful song based on Psalm 51. The song is taken nearly word for word from those written by King David.

Listening was a sort of ritual. I worked insane hours, long hot hours, both day and night. I lived out of my small 23-foot travel trailer, sleeping when I could. Keith Green’s were the most listened to songs in my iTunes account.

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Time Is Running Out For The Enemies Of God – Roe, And The Summer Solstice

Time Is Running Out For The Enemies Of God - Roe, And The Summer Solstice

We are about to witness the greatest moment in history. 

We can not fathom how great this will be. What God is about to do will be greater than Exodus.

YES, It will be greater than what happened at the Red Sea. It will and greater than the days of Noah and the flood.

This will be one of the greatest worldwide moves of God in all of history. It’s going to be biblical, It’s going to be of God. And it’s going to involve Proverbs 13:22.

But the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.

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The War On Children – What Evil Is Willing To Do

The War On Children - What Evil Is Willing To Do

I have begun to doubt just about everything.

The only sustaining truth is The Word of God. If it were not for that truth, I am not at all sure what I might have become by now.

The case of Uvalde Texas and the horror of evil killing innocence is hard to believe let alone understand.

In the unfolding story, however, the facts seem to cloud exactly what evil was present at the Robb Elementary School on May 24th.

To be clear. I do not know what the truth is. I only suggest that we have not been told the ‘real’ as in ‘all’ the truth. We have been told a story framed to be the truth.

As I watch the Uvalde case, I am getting closer to what the mainstream would call a truther.

Truthers do not accept the popular narrative. Conspiracy theories are spawned from unbelief.

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A Miracle Win By Rich Strike

A Miracle Win By Rich Strike

When God has something to say, He may do so in the most unexpected way.

The run for the roses known as the Kentucky Derby is a wonderful example. What does the prophetic win by Rich Strike really mean?

For those who have ears to hear and eyes to see.

This prophetic word is for you. Take your time. Read it, watch the video. This is an unbelievable message of encouragement. 

Let not your heart be troubled, The Lord is moving.

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Are The Police Still On The Side Of The People?

Are The Police Still On The Side Of The People?

There is a new, growing concern regarding police actions. Something has changed. Are these men and women of law enforcement the same people who live next door?

Are they the same people who enjoy the mantle, Blue Lives Matter

It seems as though we have come a long way since July 7, 2016, when a sniper began shooting police officers in Dallas Texas. The five killed and nine wounded are heroes. The same can be said of the dozens who stood in the breach to hunt down the killer?

While tragic, it is what we have always expected from law enforcement. They do what most won’t.

In 2022 there are questions. Can we still expect law enforcement to do what is right? I think there are still many ready to step up, but more and more citizens are asking, where we are heading?

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The Glory Of God Is Moving In The Earth – Do You See It?

A great American broadcaster often says, “There are no conspiracies, but there are also no coincidences.” 

I have written and commented a lot regarding the pending moves of God. A revival. A Great Awakening.

A time when God ends the dark wickedness terrorizing the country. (And the world) He will renew His covenant with America. 

The remnant church of Jesus Christ has been praying for revival. If we look for a single event that launched the outpouring of prayer, it may well be September 26, 2020. 

That is the date of The Return. A huge gathering of believers on the National Mall in Washington D.C. for prayer and worship. It was no coincidence that a similar event was simultaneously taking place at the Lincoln Memorial

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Spiritual Warfare – Knowledge Of Good And Evil Is Healthy

Spiritual Warfare – Knowledge Of Good And Evil Is Healthy

I was having a conversation. We were talking about my book, Joyce – A Spiritual Warfare Novel. I was asked, “What is spiritual warfare?”

We continued our conversation. I answered the question. I explained what I thought it to be. 

The Question Stuck With Me. 

If one person is asking, who else wants to know. Who else is asking, “What is spiritual warfare?” Frankly, when I write stories, I assume everyone knows. I sort of take it for granted. Perhaps because it is familiar to me, I assume it is to others as well.

Spiritual warfare can be a weighty subject.  I am not an expert. I’m not trained in scripture. I am not a preacher. I believe in the Bible. I believe what God has to say through His Apostle and Prophets. I believe there is good and evil. I believe there are angels and demons. I believe they go to war against one another.

Spiritual warfare is those moments when there is a fight between the two forces. A battle occurs.

I believe that the battles are most often fought in what is known as the second heaven. It is a spiritual realm. We know it is real because the Apostle Paul spoke of going to the third heaven. (2 Corinthians 12:2) If there is a third, there has to be a second. (And a first) 

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It’s Time To Help Mike Lindell – A Fund Raiser

It’s Time To Help Mike Lindell - A Fund Raiser

Mike Lindell is more than a patriot. He is an American Treasure. He has spent millions of dollars to prove there was fraud in the November 3, 2020 election.

He is not spending your money. He is not spending tax money. He is spending his own money. Millions of dollars. His only motivation is to save America. When elections are rigged, freedom becomes only a memory.

Have You Read His Biography?

In the book, What Are The Odds? From Crack Addict To CEO, his past is laid bare. He hides nothing. He tells all with a lot of detail. His life and his struggles with drug addiction are front and center. 

From his book, we learn what he had to overcome.  We also see how he built what is now one of America’s greatest success stories.

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The News Is Good, God Is Moving – Keep The Faith

The News Is Good, God Is Moving - Keep The Faith

Not long ago I heard a piece of advice. It would be a good idea for people to journal the current events in America and the world. In this time of covid, lockdowns, masks, and jabs, we should take notes. Make a record. Remember what is happening,

Remember the border. Remember that people are being rewarded for illegally entering the country.

It appears certain leaders are willfully attempting to destroy all that we know. Freedom is on the chopping block. Could you have imagined a time that citizens are held for nearly a year on trespassing charges disguised as insurrection?

Would you ever think our government could abandon U.S citizens and allies in Afghanistan? America simply pulled out, leaving them behind. 

Not only did we leave people, but we also left advanced weapons valued in the billions for our former enemy to use against us. China, now allied with the Taliban, occupies the largest airbase in the region.

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