Be Aware – There Is A Timeline – And The Time Is Now

Be Aware - There Is A Timeline - And The Time Is Now

The prophets are bold. Just a few days ago I wrote asking if you were listening. There are changes coming that many will not expect. Many will be caught unaware.

No sooner had the post gone live than I saw a program with Bo Polny. 

He presents a timeline. He is not a prophet. He is an analyst. He listens to what prophets are saying and finds how it can be supported by scripture. There is more to it, so watch the video.

For perspective, this video has had 114K views since Thursday.

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Memorial Day, Salvation, Old Friends | Remembering What Was

Memorial Day, Salvation, Old Friends | Remembering What Was

Memorial Day is now behind us. Life continues. People are back to work. The joys of summer have officially begun.

I want to share some final thoughts as I reflect on Memorial Day and those who served.

This weekend I saw what I call a B-roll. It was on a program I watch daily. The two-minute video is a tribute to the military and the men and women killed defending the nation.

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World Prayer Network Shows Move Of God In Remnant Church.

World Prayer Network Shows Move Of God In Remnant Church.

I have continually attended this online prayer meeting for more than six months. This recording from last night, Sunday, May 9, 2021, is the most significant of all the meetings. It is vital that you watch and share the video.

The World Prayer Network conducts two virtual prayer meetings each week. They have been doing this since November of 2020. It began as the Global Prayer for Election Integrity. The name changed in January.

I pray you will take two hours and watch the entire recording. If you have never attended a WPN meeting online, don’t allow your idea of what church should look like to obscure the message.

Like all things virtual, it can be clumsy at moments. Watch and pray. God is moving. Be a part of what He is doing.

See and hear what God is doing to bring revival to the world.

The video begins 1:25 minutes

If you watched the video, share your comments and thoughts below. More importantly, however, share what God is doing with your friends, family, your pastor, or anyone else that is willing to listen.

A revival and return to God is the only path left for America. Without it, the nation will fall. God has given us a promise. Read Jeremiah 18:8

if that nation against whom I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent of the disaster that I thought to bring upon it. (NKJV)

A Simple Message You Must See That Is Being Censored|Video

A Simple Message You Must See That Is Being Censored

I just received an email regarding Jonathan Cahn. He is the best-selling author of The Harbinger. He was a principal organizer of The Return, a gathering in Washington DC in September calling America to repent and “Return to me, and I will return to you,” Malachi 3:7.

It is easiest to simply show you the email

We are living in dramatic times.  A new agenda has taken power that will threaten freedom of speech, religious liberty, the lives of unborn children, ministry, and the Gospel itself.

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Is America Worth Saving?

As the nation races towards the election, the question persists. Is the country going to be lost? Or, is the government going to prevail as a republic? The one founded more than two hundred and forty years ago?

The nation was founded on the principles of God. The creator blessed the nation with a constitution and leaders ready to build a more perfect union.

Not always perfect, the effort to make an enduring republic was overwhelming. It, the great experiment, began in 1776 and has lasted longer than any form of government. Of all the nations of the world, only the United States has had the same government for more than two centuries.

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