Christian Leaders Betray The Church – Blame Biden

Christian Leaders Betray The Church - Blame Biden

I read the piece by Michael Brown in The Stream.  He writes about Pro-Life evangelicals who voted for Biden. They are feeling betrayed.  Joe Biden lied to them.

It’s frustrating as an evangelical believer to see Christians climbing in bed with evil.

Voting for Biden believing he will change is lunacy. As Dr. Brown points out, Biden has a lifetime of supporting abortion. He lied. It’s who he is. The very nature of evil is to deceive.

Michael Brown’s piece is the perfect segue into what is really on my mind.

For years I have seen Christians pretend to believe scripture yet their actions say something else. I saw a term that helps me understand what’s happening. Progressive Christians.

Years ago, a friend said that a fish stinks from the head. He used the term to explain why some businesses and organizations seem lifeless, failing, or corrupt. It’s because of the person(s) in charge. The leaders.

Why are we surprised?

It is in the church. I shouldn’t be surprised by the leaders cited by Michael Brown. The church has accepted all manner of sin into the body. One has to wonder if the Bride of Christ can still wear white.

The election of 2020 has brought the contrast of church and the world into the light. Those in the church offended by President Trump were drawn to the left. It’s not new territory. It’s not that they were suddenly offered an apple.

Liberal world views are mainstream in many churches across the nation. The secularization of the church is commonplace. Because of their blindness, they completely missed the concept of God’s Cyrus anointing and the rise of Donald Trump.

Christians can not feign surprise. The colleges and universities are bastions of liberalism. It includes seminaries

Liberalism breeds compromise. With compromise comes the acceptance of ever-increasing sin. Eventually, everything is acceptable. Even abortion.

So they hold their nose and vote for evil.

The seven churches of Revelation had a common theme. They were all once-great churches doing the work for which Christ had called them. Teaching sound doctrine. Ministering the truth of the gospel. 

They changed.

They lost their first love. They gave in to other doctrines. They began to serve other gods. The gods of human lusts. Lusts of the flesh. Sexual immorality.

It’s the new contemporary church. A marriage can be between two men or two women. They find it acceptable for pastors and church leaders to engage in homosexual lifestyles. Sin is no longer sin. What God’s word has to say is perverted to meet their personal needs, wants, and lusts.

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!  Isaiah 5:20

Who are they serving?

As I think about Dr. Brown’s piece about Christian leaders feeling betrayed by President Biden, I wonder about another betrayal.

Has the body of Christ been betrayed by progressive Christians? Are they the church of Revelation? Have lost their first love? 

Progressives preach another gospel. The gospel of the world.

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