Evil Is Being Exposed, What’s Coming Will Be Biblical

Evil Is Being Exposed, What’s Coming Will Be Biblical

The New Era of God has arrived. It began when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. The landmark decision eliminated the federal protection on abortion. There is no constitutional right to kill the unborn.

I have written here what the New Era means. The Way I See It,

The day is nearly upon us when all will change. It is important to know that this is not the rapture of the church. The time has not yet come for the Bride of Christ to return with the Groom to heaven.

What Is It?

It is a purging of wickedness. This is a move of God to restore righteousness. In part, It is the answer to 2 Chronicles 7:14.

This post is not to persuade, but to inform. At the very least, you are aware. Be aware that God is about to change everything you have ever known. It will happen in a single day. It will be Biblical.

Everyone knows that the whole world is out of control. China, Russia, Ukraine. Even our own southern border. Where ever we look there is tumult and chaos.

There is a Luciferian group of people led by the World Economic Forum, (WEF) that has the expressed purpose of controlling the world with their one world government. They have friends and allies in every nation.

The most disturbing part of their goal is to reduce the world population to a number close to 500 million people. That would require the elimination of nearly 7 billion human beings.

With growing boldness, the group is disclosing its plans. The ultimate goal is to computerize via artificial intelligence and transhumanism, all of the 500 million remaining alive. The leaders would have the people enslaved to serve them.

It is True. They have written books stating so.

God Will Have None Of It

For The United States, the move of God will restore the republic God desired when He made His covenant with America in 1776.  America chose God in 1620 with the landing of the Mayflower. 

Only two nations in the world have a covenant with God, Israel because God chose them, and America because America chose God.

America today wallows in evil. The wickedness of the culture is Satanic. The leaders of the nation have embraced all that God abhors. 

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Isaiah 5:50 (KJV)

What is now happening, and what is yet to come is of God. He is making the crooked places straight. He is restoring righteousness. It will be wonderful, but it will, for many, be frightening.

Beginning with rapid-fire events that will include storms, earthquakes, and volcano eruptions, people will sense it is God.

The government will change. First, we’ll likely see many officials, both elected and appointed, resign, fall ill, or die. Many will see it as judgment.

Then, in a single day, the systems of the world will go dark. Power grids, cell service, and the internet will all seemingly fail.

All air service will end. Aircraft worldwide will be grounded. How they all land safely while the communication systems fail will be nothing short of a miracle.

The banking systems of the world will collapse. The Federal Reserve will be a part of the fall. When the banks fail, ATM’s and credit cards will not work. Cash will be needed to meet basic needs.

The bank events will be world wide. Hperinflation could be very real.

Wickedness Revealed

Corruption of every kind will be exposed. The most significant and immediate disclosure will be proof of fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

The rightful president will be inaugurated.

When and how God shows the truth of how The United States was stolen will be in a matter no one will refute.

The governments of the world and their allies in the media will attempt to convince the masses that food is in short supply. It will be a lie. Shortages in certain items yes, but famine is not going to happen.

With the exposure of crimes, hundreds of criminals will be arrested. Charges will include treason and crimes against humanity. Millions have been killed by the CCP bio weapon, COVID-19 and its vaccine.

Many, perhaps hundreds of notable companies, many with worldwide operations, will simply fall away to be no longer.

It will be the judgment of God. Evil will be pulled down, the unrepentant will find a fate no-one would ever wish upon another.

The World Will See The Glory

The whole earth will be filled with the Glory of God. Revival will be worldwide. Over the next few years, a billion souls will accept Christ.

The Super Natural will become common place. The sick will be taken to church rather than the hospital. 

It is coming. It is coming soon. Don’t be caught unaware.

Imagine the fear that filled the hearts of Israel when Pharaoh and his army pursued them. Their backs were up against the Red Sea. There was no way out.

Then God showed them the way. The waters parted and the people escaped.

Be of good cheer. God is going to do it again.

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