God Is Moving Against The Wicked – Watch and Pray

God Is Moving Against The Wicked – Watch and Pray

In the King James Bible, Amos 3:7 says “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.”

Many will choose to mock the words of the prophets. Others will simply not believe. That will change when Heaven shakes what can be shaken. God will not be mocked.

As to the prophets, I listen to those I know. They seem to agree. God is speaking. While the details vary, I hear an overwhelming theme.

I believe the words of the prophets.

The greatest showdown in history occurred at Mount Carmel when Elihja the prophet challenged 450 prophets of Baal and the four hundred prophets of Asherah. He (Elihja) was mocked and scorned, even by other prophets of the Lord. It didn’t end well for those who did not stand with Elijah.

21 And Elijah came to all the people, and said, “How long will you falter between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.” But the people answered him not a word.  1 Kings 18: 21 NKJV

What Can Be Shaken Will Be Shaken

How will it take place is a mystery. The point however remains. God is moving in America and across the globe. God is fulfilling Isaiah 45:2 going ahead of us, to make the crooked places straight. 

There will be events taking place to expose and remove the wicked in America and other nations in the world. The events will be so dramatic that all will understand that only God could make it happen.

The evil will be uncovered. The deeds of the wicked will be exposed. Their crimes will be revealed and the human genocide will be proven. Then God will allow His Angel Armies to pour out His wrath on those who have refused to confess and repent.

I believe that at this very moment, angels of God’s army are visiting the wicked. Those who have done all they can to corrupt God’s creation are being tormented. I believe this very day, leaders of industry and government are being afflicted in their spirit. The angels of God are calling them to repent. The time is short. Righteousness is about to be restored.

Click here to read how it might happen.

For the church of Jesus Christ, there is much to be done. There is work required to accomplish what God has called His church to do. The prophets are speaking to that point. The various streams (denominations) of God’s church are coming together to form the River of God. The free flow of God’s goodness and mercy. Grounded in His will that is found fully in His Word.

A wonderful sample of this is found in GiveHim15. A daily broadcast of Dutch Sheets

The first of three videos: A prophetic dream.

The day is fast approaching when God will pour out his Glory. We will see signs, wonders, and miracles. The sick and the lame will be taken to churches rather than hospitals. 

When the Holy Spirit of God shows up, unbelievers will want what God has to offer. Millions will be saved. Millions will be delivered from every type of bondage. The strongholds of wickedness will be pulled down.

The new in faith will become laborers for the harvest. They will witness to others the Good News of Jesus Christ. They will tell the world what God has done for them. Millions upon millions will come to Christ.

There is but one word for all of this: Revival

America will be saved. God will again raise this nation up to be a shining city on a hill for all the world to see.

What About All That Is Happening Today?

  • More than 600 thousand babies have been killed in the womb.
  • The destruction of our border. 
  • Ships sitting in the ocean filled with commodities people need. 
  • Prices skyrocketing. 
  • Wages stagnated. 
  • Gas and oil are limited just as winter sets in. 
  • Human trafficking is rampant.
  • People are threatened with job loss over an unproven vaccine
  • Children are being taught how to hate.

This is only a partial list of all that seems to be wrong in America

How is God going to fix it?

Some will suggest that the rapture of the church is near. I don’t take that view. But God is moving to save His people.

I believe in revival. I believe in a new Great Awakening.

I write this so you are ready:  “Be on your guard—see to it that your minds are never clouded by dissipation or drunkenness or the worries of this life, or else that day may catch you like the springing of a trap—for it will come upon every inhabitant of the whole earth. Luke 21:34-35.
J.B. Phillips New Testament

God Is Moving Against The Wicked – Watch and Pray

We must wait and watch. God has a plan. I trust it. I pray without ceasing. I pray you will as well.

Have you read my FREE short story The Tent? The timely story is available here as an ebook. Just click the image and tell me where to send it.

If you have comments or other thoughts you would like to share, just drop them in the comments section below.

God Is Moving Against The Wicked – Watch and Pray

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