Is The World About to See the Last Days Rapture?

Is The World About to See the Last Days Rapture?

I have been engaged with a dear friend, in a debate over the thought of the end times and a rapture of the church. What was the Apostle John telling us in his Revelation of Jesus Christ?

My friend, like so many in the modern evangelical church, believes that the events now taking place in the world, are absolutely what John was speaking of in his letter.

The Luciferin evil is beyond imagination. It’s never been this bad. It must be the end times.

My friend is in very good company. Many, if not most of the ‘big’ names in the church are telling their congregations to stop fretting about the wickedness in the world. Lift up your heads, your redemption draws near.

It is called the pre-tribulation rapture

Most believe that John spoke of a great tribulation to take place in the world before Christ would come in His promised second appearance.

The second ‘advent’ would usher in the Kingdom area, or the millennium reign.

The message being preached today tells us we are on the cusp of that Great-tribulation and the rapture of the church is at hand.

The rapture is the instantaneous, worldwide, supernatural act of God that removes all the believers, the followers of Christ, from the world. They are snatched away and taken to heaven. It is the event chronicled by the 1995, multimillion dollar books series Left Behind.

The series was a fictional account of what the rapture might look like.

What do I believe?

In my on-going discussion, I am continually asked, ‘so you don’t believe in the rapture’?

My answer is always the same. ‘No, that’s not correct. I do not know’. I continually say that the concept of a pre-tribulation rapture is a relatively new idea. Its origins appear to have been popularized in the early 20th century by C.I. Scofield.

Scofield and his reference bible have been credited with the advancement of dispensationalism. The 20th century view can be called ‘new’ by nearly any bible standard.

Again, I’m not saying dispensationalism is wrong. I’m saying I don’t know.

What are the risks of being wrong?

I have often told my friend; I cannot lose in whatever happens. If I am correct, and the rapture is delayed a thousand years, I am still a follower of Christ. I still live to advance His kingdom on earth.

I am born again and assured a place with Christ in heaven when I die.

If I am wrong, and the body of Christ is raptured to heaven next month, great. I’ll be there with all the other saints.

What if the rapture does not happen. Not to be taken away could be devastating to those like my friend. They are invested in the imminent rapture. For it not to occur could cause a great shattering of their faith.

Millions of wonderful, God-fearing followers of Christ may find themselves so broken by deception, that they fallaway and risk their salvation.

Why do I doubt the modern trend?

I believe that those invested in the modern idea of the rapture are completely sincere. They are espousing what they have been told and learned. For pastors, the view is made popular by the teachings of seminaries all across the western world.

I think they could be wrong. To assure a congregation of something that no one can be absolutely sure of, is done with great risk.

I wonder if the learning may be similar to the teachings of history in the 21st century education system. Millions of children have no idea who Adolf Hitler was.

Why I wonder about the rapture.

Thirty years ago, I listened to a cassette tape series on The Revelation of Jesus Christ. I listened to the point of wearing out the tapes. It was different than any other teaching I had heard. It was difficult to grasp just what Mark Rutland was trying to convey.

What I remember most, is his insistence that the view he was presenting was not the view, but a view of what John is telling us in his prophecy.

Dr. Rutland said it was like climbing a mountain. He was coming up from the backside while many of the others were on the front slope.

They were all seeing the same mountain, but the view was completely different.

I found a YouTube video from years ago. Judging from appearances, the sermon preached by Dr Rutland could be circa 1992. Far earlier than YouTube published date of ten years ago.

Have a look at what I believe will cause you to at least consider an alternate view of the end times.

A second opinion

A second opinion is generally a good idea. For purposes of this discussion, I would like to mention one presented by Johnny Enlow. He has been a regular contributor to the popular streaming platform Elijah Streams.

I urge you to take the time to research his view. He wrote a book The Seven Mountain Prophecy. It addresses the mandate God has given the church. The seven mountains of society have been ceded to the enemy, and it is the church that must take them back.

Watch This Rumble video from Elijah Streams

Considering the seven mountains, think of the analogy of the seven nations Joshua needed to conquer when the people of Israel crossed the Jordon after forty years in the wilderness.

God’s plan is not to rescue the Bride of Christ, but to impower her to complete His mandate of defeating Satan on the mountains of culture.

Johnny Enlow is not alone. There are others. One prominent voice is author, evangelist Lance Wallnau. He received a prophetic message that led his writing on the seven mountains of society. The church must take back the territory that’s been handed over to Satan.

I don’t know what will happen. I am not invested in the rapture. I am ready to stand for Christ in defeating the devil wherever he has staked out his dominion.

I am not a Joshua, but I am ready to defend the gospel wherever I am called. If God calls me home by whatever means He deems right, Come Lord Jesus, I’m ready.


If you’re reading this and you have not accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, I urge you to do so. Read my recent post. Born Again. It will explain the urgency of your personal salvation.

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