Judas, Politics, The Washington Swamp and What We Should Do

Judas, Politics, The Washington Swamp and What We Should Do

With each passing day, we see the Judas’ of the Trump era expose themselves for the frauds they are. It has become abundantly clear that most of those surrounding the President were wolves in sheep’s clothing.

As the second impeachment trial got underway Nikki Haley announced she has never been a Trumper. Let that sink in. She lied for more than two years as she pretended to support her boss. She was, after all, in the cabinet.

I have been asking myself a question. How much character does it take to be a liar? We now have a more clear view of the Trump administration. It appears there were plenty of swamp rats to go around.

I wonder. If Trump were to remove his shirt, how many stab wounds and other scars would we see?

The latest to expose themselves are the now infamous seven Senators who somehow felt compelled to cast a vote to convict. They willingly exposed themselves as less than loyal. Et tu, Brute?

Two points are important.

Voting to convict would not change the outcome. The democrats needed seventeen defectors to convict. They got less than half that number.

And, by voting as they did, the seven exposed themselves as being a part of the never-Trump movement. A Washington cabal to end the America First agenda.

Despite the illusion that at least some of them had the President’s back, they stuck a knife in it instead. 

Just to know how sinister they are,  consider Senator Cassidy’s long passionate explanation of changing his mind on whether the proceeding was constitutional. One had the opinion that he would be there when it counted. Nope. He wasn’t. Ask yourself why?

So the seven became Judases. 

I have the sense that only four of the seven are hiding a truth they don’t want exposed. Both Murkowski and Collins voted as most would expect. They have always been a thorn for Trump. The same can be said for Romney. Where he stands has been made clear throughout Trump’s presidency.

Judas, Politics, The Washington Swamp and What We Should Do

The other four are a headscratcher. What do they have to hide? How hard would it be, having played the role all this time, to stay on the team for one last vote? 

By voting to convict President Trump knowing he would not be convicted, they exposed the swampy stink that consumes their very soul. There is a skeleton in their closets so horrible they willingly voted to end their own career in politics.

For a United States Senator, that is like taking a million dollar a year pay cut.

Yesterday, CNN reporter and known Trump nemesis tweeted he had a source close to Mike Pence who would confirm that President Trump knew Pence was in danger on January 6th.

With the tweet from Acosta we know that at the very least, Mike Pences’ Chief of Staff was not a fan of Trump’s.

Judas, Politics, The Washington Swamp and What We Should Do

With the actions of Pence on January 6th, we know that Pence too had pulled the rug out from under the President.

Judas, Politics, The Washington Swamp and What We Should Do

Again, ask yourself what is so horrible that you would do it. What character flaw would allow a man to appear a faithful ally of the President, yet work behind his back to take him down. 

It’s the swamp of Washington DC, where being corrupt is a way of life.

The answer we are all looking for will come when we see a great Holy Spirit Revival. When God pours out on the people His power and presence. It will be like the New Testament book of Acts.

I continue to ask that all believers pray for revival. Ask God to pour out His Spirit on all flesh, and that righteousness prevails in America. May God shed His Grace on all of us.

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