LeBron, Can Deception and Greed Find a Way into Sports?

LeBron, Can Deception and Greed Find a Way into Sports?

It’s not a trick question. When it comes to LeBron James, I believe there is plenty of room to believe both are true. Yes, LeBron James was deceived. But now he has gone full woke. And it’s all about him.

Lebron is like many other athletes who have risen to the top of their game. It stems first from their God given abilities, and, in the case of LeBron, his size. None of us can control how tall we become.

Once it is known that a student has a gifted advantage in sports, finding a great high school in which to grow, is nearly automatic. So, it was for LeBron James.

Enrollment at the Catholic high school, St Vincent-St Mary in Akron Ohio is the sort of thing that comes from being special.

I must be careful.

I know almost nothing about LeBron James. My knowledge comes from what I have seen in the press over the past twenty years. I have not read a bio on Wikipedia or anywhere else. I’ve never seen him play basketball. I know very little about him.

I have read press reports, social media posts, and have heard comments of others.

From the time he was a kid in Ohio, LeBron James has been treated special. It’s not uncommon. It’s certainly not his fault. It happens all the time. People in sports want a star on their team.

When a student is found to have a special advantage, be it size or ability, or both, coaches, boosters, and others can work out special advantages.

That happened for LeBron James.

None of this is to detract from his achievements. He’s made the best of it. He has used what was given him and excelled.

LeBron has done well

Last I heard, his personal wealth is a billion dollars. Not bad for a kid from Akron who was raised by a single mother. They struggled financially all the years he was growing up.

I ask, At what cost?

26 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul? Matthew 16:26 ESV

His playing contract brings him millions per year. He is paid millions more in endorsement money. Much of it is easily traced to China.

NBA revenues come largely from the billions of basketball fans watching LeBron and the NBA, on television.

The people of China make up the largest NBA fan base. The entertainment of Chinese citizens is what allows LeBron and others to sit so prominently on the mountain of culture known as arts and entertainment.

It allows for the huge contracts.

I ask again, at what cost.

The television revenues from China require the sport to bow to any demands the Chinese government might make. It’s a simple thing. Just agree with the CCP. Always.

The treatment of Hong Kong comes to mind. The NBA will always portray the CCP, (Chinese Communist Party) in a favorable light.

Never mind the $50 sneaker sold for $300 in America. Shoes made with slave labor. Indentured servants have little or nothing to say about where they work or how much they’re paid.

Never mind that the Chinese Muslim population, known as Uyghurs, are enslaved, interred in concentration camps, and forcibly used as human organ donors.

There is evidence to show that Uyghurs are a ready-made supply of organs to needy Muslims in the oil rich middle east. A rich Muslim can easily buy a new organ from a suitable Muslim donor. The lives of Uyghurs are sacrificed for the lucrative business of the CCP.

Athletes such as LeBron James benefit financially from the business deals of the Chinese government. Dealings that are rooted in wickedness.

Is any of this his fault? Yes, No. Yes.

At some point we all have to realize that there are complicated strings attached to financial gains such as those gotten by athletes in general and LeBron James specifically.

It’s one thing for a high school kid to accept special treatment. It’s another for fathers of high school children to not ask questions.

Do people like LeBron not ask because they’re afraid of the truth?

Has it all come home for LeBron?

I would not wish this on any human. LeBron James’ own son had a heart attack at age 18. A vaccinated athlete who was told by government that the shot (COVID) was required if he wished to attend school.

Was LeBron deceived like millions of other parents? Or did he forgo his unique platform and fail to ask the important questions about the vaccine. Questions never heard when asked by ordinary parents.

The 18-year-old son, LeBron ‘Bronny’ James Jr is a valued basketball recruit for the University of Southern California (USC).

Where does this all end up.

LeBron James has enjoyed special treatment all his life. Certainly, there are many who have ridden the coat tails of the basketball superstar.

If he has a billion dollars in personal wealth, how much have others made?

Did he question the vaccine, ever? Did he ever question Covid?

Maybe he was told, “Don’t rock the boat.” After all, there are millions of dollars at stake.

Who’s the real victim?

I suggest it’s the young LeBron. Bronny James. He’ll always enjoy his father’s wealth, but I suggest he hoped for so much more.

Every kid wants to do something on their own. For one young man, it won’t be basketball.

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