Like The Days Of Noah, God Will Judge The World

Like The Days Of Noah, God Will Judge The World

“We are in the last of the ten steps to a tyrannical takeover”. So says Naomi Wolf – Author and former political strategist.

The decades-long plans of a handful of elites to rule the world are nearly complete. 

The man-made pandemic is a significant key in the quest to gain total control. Through systematic infringement on liberty, governments across the globe used fear to entice people to comply.

It worked. Millions freely surrendered God-given human rights in exchange for the belief they would be saved from the pandemic.

“We were seeing a wholesale race to exploit what was messaged as a global pandemic in such a way as to strip us of our remaining liberties and to terraform America, conceptually, into being ready to accept a CCP-style World Economic Forum-guided post-humane and post-constitutional world,” 

Naomi Wolf

An Epochtimes article by Joseph Mercola is a summation of his hour-long interview with Wolf. They expose the evil that is at the heart of the pandemic, 

Like The Days Of Noah, God Will Judge The World

Naomi Wolf’s new book, tells how it happened. The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, Covid-19 and the War Against the Human 

The article just might be the Clift notes to Wolf’s best-seller. 

Wolf cites the horrors of what we can expect in the coming months. Words like apocalyptic come to mind.

Like The Days Of Noah, God Will Judge The World

In the United States, we will see many more die, but now it’s from the vaccine. 

Airlines flight cancellations are increasing. Many believe crew issues stemming from adverse effects of the vaccine are to blame. 

Food shortages and energy disruptions will cause chaos in every city and neighborhood.

America will likely see gangs wreaking havoc with businesses. Smash and grabs are already prevalent in some cities. Imagine what it will be like when shortages hit every sector and inflation is off the charts.

When electricity is rationed or not available, whole cities will suffer blackouts, possibly for days at a time.

Naomi Wolf revealed she has turned to faith. She explains that the darkness is not limited to a blackout. There is a darkness that can only be explained as evil… satanic.

She suggests prayer, acknowledging she has started to pray.

Naomi Wolf said, “I also think we’re in a massive spiritual moment, that we’re in a biblical moment, and that there’s a level of metaphysics over and above the material and the political assault on us in our reaction. 

We don’t have the ability just as human beings to get out of this. It’s too big. I believe that getting out of it requires an awakening that’s massive. And, for myself anyway, asking for divine help has worked before.”

The Prophets Have Had Much to Say

Recent prophetic headlines like these are giving believers hope

My Mighty Works Will Be Seen By The World, and, Shockwaves Are Coming To Destroy Your Enemies’ Plans.

For nearly two years, Prophets of God have warned of coming events. Wickedness, rooted in the satanic is attempting to take control of God’s creation. That includes a new government system that dominates the world.

The players are centered in the World Economic Forum with allies inside the governments of several nations including the United States. 

There is evidence to suggest many leaders are Satanists. There has been a proliferation of the Arch of Baal. Replicas have shown up across the world. They are seen in places like New York City, London, Rome, and outside the Supreme Court in Washington DC. 

The Arch of Baal is the place that people pass through to sacrifice their children to Baal. They are more than a hint that powerful leaders are followers of Satan. 

The worldwide cabal of child traffickers and pedophiles is rooted in Satanism. The tentacles reach far into government. But not just the government. All of the seven mountains of culture are affected.

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The perversions of the rich and powerful can not be described without a warning label.

Months ago prophets warned that man would not fix the problem. The sense may be that the swamp is too deep. The statement is also understood to mean man does not have the will to change things. 

Others think those wanting change lack the power. 

The righteous (believers) do, however, have influence in the spiritual realm. That is where this war is being waged. 

’The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.’ (James 5:16 KJV) 

What War?

It is the classic fight of good against evil. The fight is spiritual. This war is in the realm of the spirit. It is every bit as real as man’s wars in the natural realm.

God has the authority to remove powers, thrones, dominions, and rulers. 

For the purposes of this present darkness, man does not have the power. God does, and he will move when the righteous rise up in prayer.

That Is Where We Are Today.

Listening to the Prophets we know whatever God does, it can be done in a single day. 

The run-up to that day has the potential to cause great fear. God is preparing the world. Many will be frightened by dramatic events.

It is what Naomi Wolf may be seeing right now, and what’s coming in the days ahead.

There is no calendar for what God is doing. There are prophetic clues.

Several prophets have said God will move to save His creation from satanic evil during this, the Jewish year of Jubilee. The year ends and a new year begins with Rosh Hashanah. 

Rosh Hashanah begins on September 25th.


Prophets have another clue. God will move before the days of feasts. That puts it before Yom Kippur, October 4, 2022. It all fits for the day of God’s reset to fall in September, or perhaps sooner.

Like in the days of Noah, evil will be judged. The time to get into the ark is now. God protects those who belong to Him.

No one will want to be on the wrong side of this judgment. If you’re not on God’s side, you’re on the wrong side.

If you have never asked Jesus to come into your heart. If you have never accepted God’s gift of salvation, do so now.

Romans 9:10 says… that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

I Wrote A Short Story

My short story The Tent was written for such a time as this. It’s an easy FREE download. You can have it when you click here. ? The Tent

Like The Days Of Noah, God Will Judge The World

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