Review: Jesus Politics

Review: Jesus Politics

America is racing towards what many call the most important Presidential election in the nation’s history. Democrat or Republican, the view is the same. This election is a big deal.

Where will the people come down? Which candidate will best persuade the voters they are the one to lead the nation for the next four years?

For the Christian, for people of faith, Phil Robertson has a fairly simple method for choosing. Phil who? You ask. Phil (Duck Dynasty) Robertson.

Jesus Politics is a sure fire technique to help choose.

In an easy to read quasi biography, the Louisiana river redneck, explains how his belief in the Gospel of Christ leads him in life decisions.

Christians often talk about their testimony. A narrative of the events that led them to become a Christian. To a degree, Jesus Politics does exactly that. Phil Robertson explains in his unique northern Louisiana language, how that led to his Kingdom Manifesto. 

With the knowledge of the author’s perspective, readers of Jesus Politics have an understanding of why he would examine candidates as he does. It shows how he determains their fitness to serve. Do they share the same values and will they govern accordingly?

The motivation to write the book stems from watching an ever increasing decay of social norms. America is in decline. The fabric of the country is torn, nearly beyond repair. This election will be vital in turning the tide.

Phil Robertson explains his Kingdom Manifesto in a way anyone can understand. How placing Jesus at the center of politics makes perfect sense.

“We are in the thick of a war for Americ’s soul. It’s a real war with serious consquences. This book is a call to all citizens of the kingdom of heaven on earth to wake up spiritually and politically and join in the battles of that war.”

In reading Jesus Politics, readers will quickly understand why best selling author Eric Metaxas says, “The only way something could be this full of truth and wisdom is if its author is a prophet, That he is. Hear him.”

Jesus Politics, readers learn How to Win Back the Soul of America. 

The subjects to do exactly that includes; Finding the Kingdom Foundation, Gun Ownership in the Kingdom of Love, Biblical Environmentalism, The American Family, Life According to the King, Mercy and Forgiveness, plus much more.

An historic election is near. For Christians and other believers, the stakes are high. The deeply held biblical truths are being challenged. Read this book. Prepare yourself to make Kingdom minded decisions.

One more thing. People of prayer are called to a day of prayer and repentance on September 26, 2020. The website with all the details can be found at or by watching the video here.

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