Supreme Court Reverses Roe Opens New Era Of God

Supreme Court Reverses Roe Opens New Era Of God

The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. In doing so, they have given God the opportunity to again begin blessing the nation.

For fifty years, The United States government openly condoned the sacrifice of the unborn to whatever god the people chose. Be it the god of convenience, the god of finances, or the literal sacrificing of the child to Baal, America killed 63 Million babies.

God Warned America

Beginning with the attack of September 11, 2001, prophets have been warning of God’s judgment on America.

No one listened. 

America saw judgment again with the economic meltdown of 2008.

Again, no one was listening.

America continued on its path of spiritual decline. Abortion on demand was rampant. Marriage was redefined to include men marrying men, and women marrying women. LGBT groups have become strong political forces.

All Manner Of Sin Was Acceptable To The People.

Jonathan Cahn warned that God’s judgment could come to America as early as 2021. America used the twenty years following 9/11 to fall further into sin. Repentance was hard to find.

The church had little interest in the warnings. America raced towards Babylon.

In 2020 the CCP released a bio weapon on the world. Deep state actors in America were complicit, working to secure the worst possible outcome.

The evil present on the earth is difficult to understand. Darkness had invaded every mountain of culture.

The Pandemic

President Trump ended up with government agencies such as the CDC, FDA, and NIH compromised by the CCP. They did everything possible to worsen the pandemic. At best they were guiding the nation to a crash landing.

Thousands died, the economy was intentionally crashed, millions were ruined financially, and the government, using fear, garnered a form of control over the people unthinkable a year earlier.

A vaccine developed before the virus was known, became a tool of wickedness to reduce the population of the earth.

The world knew of early treatment therapies but The United States made them illegal.

Jonathan Cahn, Franklin Graham, and others spearheaded a national gathering for prayer. The foundation was 2 Chronicles 7:14.

The people, as a nation, repented for allowing so much sin to invade the land. The prayers of a nation grew. 

The Final Blow

On November 3, 2020, a fatal stake was driven into America. 

Was the election a judgment of God for the sins of the nation, or was it an answer to the prayers of a remnant church asking God to intervene and end the destruction?

In the days following the election, patriots attempted to find the truth. It was widely believed that the election had been stolen.

It’s hard to imagine, that a group or foreign power could steal an entire nation. Yet that is exactly what happened.

Every attempt to find justice was turned away.

Fast Forward

Seventeen months after Biden became president, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade.

The landmark decision of the Supreme Court opened the door for all that occurred in the preceding two years to be seen more clearly.

Prophecy Is Real

Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.  Amos 3:7

For two decades we were told judgment was coming. And… judgment came. 

For two years the prophets have been saying that God is moving to restore His covenant Nation and with it, the world.

The move is directly connected to reversing Roe. 

Grasp the significance of what God did. 

God placed His anointed into the White House. Three key Justices were appointed to the Supreme Court. 

The transformed court allowed for the monumental reversal of the Roe v. Wade decision that had legalized the killing of unborn children.

Through the prophets, we are told that Rosh Hashanah and the start of the Jewish Golden Jubilee on September 6, 2021, would be the beginning of America’s restoration.

Simply put. The remnant church prayed earnestly for God to restore the land. The answer was a Supreme Court that would overturn Roe.

It is important to remember Isaiah 46:10 God declares the end from the beginning. 

God conceived a plan (child) centered on Rosh Hashanah. The plan is a “New Era.” An era of righteousness. A time of casting out darkness.

The forty-week gestation period that began with Rosh Hashanah brings us into June 2022. June is the month of Pentecost.

The Supreme Court released the Roe reversal on June 24th. The day is the beginning of a ’New Era.’

From that day forward, everything will change. The world will move towards God’s great event.

Evil will be cast out, and righteousness will be restored. The second half of 2022 will be 180 degrees different than the first six months.

The hour and all the event will include, is unknown. We do know something biblical will occur and it may be as soon. Perhaps as early as the first weeks of July.

July is favored by some prophets because it immediately follows June. June is ‘pride’ month. Destruction follows pride. 

Proverbs 16:18 tells us, “pride goes before the destruction.” 

We do know that the conclusion of the event(s) will occur before Rosh Hashanah, September 24, 2022.

Isaiah 61:2  Is A Clue.

Supreme Court Reverses Roe Opens New Era Of God

To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn;

  • The Year, the acceptable year (Jubilee) is a literal year. 
  • The Day of vengeance is a literal day.

When God moves, it will happen in a single day. What will happen exactly, no one knows. It will be biblical, it will be historic, it will be from God, and everyone will know it is from God.

It is said that it will be more significant, bigger than the Red Sea in Exodus, and the flood of Noah in Genius.

All that happens will not be known until it happens. Here are a few ideas.

A David versus Goliath story will be a part of the change. Goliath represents the financial system of not only America but the world. God will take down the system just as he supernaturally caused David to take down Goliath. 1 Samuel 17.

Remember. Goliath mocked the God of Israel for forty days. When David arrived and heard the mocking, Goliath fell. It happened in a single day.

Consider the story from Daniel 5. We know it as the ‘handwriting on the wall.’

While the Babylonian king was engaged in a drunken orgy, the army of Cyrus the Great entered Babylon and conquered the kingdom. 

The Babylonian Empire fell in a single day.

What’s Coming

God has all the pieces lined up. He will act, it will be historic. It will be biblical, and it will happen in a single day.

Contemporary history has little to remind us of how God uses the miraculous to accomplice His will.

For most of us, the best example of God’s power is the six-day war of June 1967. 

The divine work of God allowed Israel to win a battle that could not have been won in the natural world. It was biblical. It was a miracle. It was ordained in Heaven.

Remember Gideon of Judges 6 & 7. God fights for His people.

A Double-edged Sword. 

For those who have sown good seed, it will be wonderful. They will experience blessing beyond measure. 

It is the year of the Golden Jubilee. It means freedom from bondage. The people have been in bondage to the financial world for fifty years.

The system of God was replaced with a paper system backed by nothing. A reset to God’s system of gold and silver will return

Freedom from debt may well be part of the ‘New Era’.

For the wicked, those who have sown evil, the day of vengeance will be the most horrific time of their life. It is likely many will not survive.

The wicked across the world will be judged. Corrupt governments will fall. The financial systems of the world will change. 

In the days that follow, there will be judgment and tribunals. Hangings and punishment of the wicked will not be hidden.

The impossible becomes possible

God Restores His Righteousness.

Here Is A Glimpes

This is a short story of what you might expect in the days ahead. It is a FREE ebook. Download it when you click here.

Supreme Court Reverses Roe Opens New Era Of God

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