LeBron, Can Deception and Greed Find a Way into Sports?

LeBron, Can Deception and Greed Find a Way into Sports?

It’s not a trick question. When it comes to LeBron James, I believe there is plenty of room to believe both are true. Yes, LeBron James was deceived. But now he has gone full woke. And it’s all about him.

Lebron is like many other athletes who have risen to the top of their game. It stems first from their God given abilities, and, in the case of LeBron, his size. None of us can control how tall we become.

Once it is known that a student has a gifted advantage in sports, finding a great high school in which to grow, is nearly automatic. So, it was for LeBron James.

Enrollment at the Catholic high school, St Vincent-St Mary in Akron Ohio is the sort of thing that comes from being special.

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Christ – Covid and Redemption

The CoronaVirus pandemic has opened an ugly scab on the face of America. The United States has openly defied the biblical truths of God for decades.

When the pandemic arrived, the true values of the country were exposed. The nation has turned away from God as a foundation. The pandemic exposed America. Her sin is great. Honor to God, obeying His commandments are not a priority – if even important. 

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