The Glory Of God Is Moving In The Earth – Do You See It?

A great American broadcaster often says, “There are no conspiracies, but there are also no coincidences.” 

I have written and commented a lot regarding the pending moves of God. A revival. A Great Awakening.

A time when God ends the dark wickedness terrorizing the country. (And the world) He will renew His covenant with America. 

The remnant church of Jesus Christ has been praying for revival. If we look for a single event that launched the outpouring of prayer, it may well be September 26, 2020. 

That is the date of The Return. A huge gathering of believers on the National Mall in Washington D.C. for prayer and worship. It was no coincidence that a similar event was simultaneously taking place at the Lincoln Memorial


If you choose to listen, you’ll hear the prophets telling us that God is moving to save America. The prophecies are coming at an ever-increasing rate. There are those hearing and seeing evidence that the spiritual realm is active. 

It is not a fantasy to believe that God is moving to destroy the works of the devil. It is not a fairy tale to believe that spiritual forces are active and working. Angels are doing the work of God, and demons are desperately trying to hold onto the evil they have sown.

I think it is no coincidence that on a single day I became aware of two unrelated pieces that help illustrate the move of God.

I came across this video that was published this past December It has enjoyed 500K views. (I have contributed several)

Watch as the images move across the sky and into the church while a vigil was in progress.

On the same day, February 14, 2022, Dutch Sheets was speaking of the Glory of the Holy Spirit.

One of the big takeaways of the GiveHim15 post is the role of angels in the moves of the Godhead. Specifically, it is the outpouring of [the] Holy Spirit. This graphic references the day of Pentecost of Acts 2.

The post continued

While the first Pentecost happened in one place, this next outpouring will occur in hundreds of locations. It will be a widespread Kingdom revival. A glorious Ekklesia [church] will rise in power and the government of hell will not prevail against it. Holy Spirit is now activating multiple divisions of angels to assist.

There is no conspiracy. The mighty move of God that has begun is a reality. God has prophesied to the sweeping movement of the Godhead that will include the whole world.

It is no coincidence that there is continuing openness of angelic moves throughout the nations.

It is not my role to persuade you to believe.

It is not my role to persuade you to believe. Only to make you aware of what others are seeing and hearing. When it comes to pass you will better understand what is happening.

Be aware so that you won’t be afraid.

Have you read my short story?

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