The War On Children – What Evil Is Willing To Do

The War On Children - What Evil Is Willing To Do

I have begun to doubt just about everything.

The only sustaining truth is The Word of God. If it were not for that truth, I am not at all sure what I might have become by now.

The case of Uvalde Texas and the horror of evil killing innocence is hard to believe let alone understand.

In the unfolding story, however, the facts seem to cloud exactly what evil was present at the Robb Elementary School on May 24th.

To be clear. I do not know what the truth is. I only suggest that we have not been told the ‘real’ as in ‘all’ the truth. We have been told a story framed to be the truth.

As I watch the Uvalde case, I am getting closer to what the mainstream would call a truther.

Truthers do not accept the popular narrative. Conspiracy theories are spawned from unbelief.

This is horrible. It is senseless. How could such a thing happen?

The timeline first presented was false. The police lied about the facts.

With false statements come questions. Good questions. The answers continue to make no sense. 

As one great American often says, “There are no conspiracies but there are no coincidences”.

Where (how) did the shooter, 18-year-old Salvador Rolando Ramos get more than $5,000 worth of guns and ammunition. 

How is it that a teacher would prop open what should have been a locked door? It is the very door the shooter used to enter the school moments later. This fact coming from the police is simply not true

Why was the school’s resource officer not on campus when the shooter entered? The police originally reported he was and had engaged the shooter. Shots were fired.

A fact hard to understand is the police chief. He told the men to stand down and waited nearly an hour for a SWAT-style Border Patrol unit to arrive.

He explained he believed the event had moved from an active shooter to a barricaded suspect. He believed that no children were in the room with the shooter. 

That is clearly not true. He lied. There were several calls to 911 from inside the room. Children were pleading. “Please send the police.” 

Now, even the latest story of what happened is filled with false information. Again, another way of saying they are liars. The police are not telling the truth. What are they hiding?

Tucker Carlson from Fox News had this to say

The Truther Conspiracy 

There are several historical events that have spawned truther movements. 

History of some of the Truther events within my own lifetime.

The President Kennedy assassination of November 22, 1963  

The Warren report was sealed for fifty years. (To assure anyone at risk would be dead) It has not been declassified. President Trump could have done so but didn’t. How bad can it be? 

The War On Children - What Evil Is Willing To Do

Dr. Martin Luther King jr.

The Dr. King assassination took place in Memphis Tennessee on April 4, 1968. A simple look at reports in the public domain allow me to believe FBI director J. Edgar Hoover was involved. 

The Moon landing on July 20,1969

Truthers believe it was staged in a movie studio like those used in Hollywood productions.

The Oklahoma City federal building bombing on April 19, 1995. 

Truthers suggest the federal government or at least agents of the government conspired, or at the very least, knew the attack was coming.


The attack on the World Trade Center, and The Pentagon on September 11, 2001. Truthers believe the United States government knew it was coming and allowed it to happen.

Sandy Hook elementary school

A 20-year-old shooter killed 20 children and 6 staff members on December 14, 2012. Truthers believe it was a staged event.

Las Vegas mass shooting

The circumstances of the shooting in Las Vegas on October 1, 2017, killing 58 people have caused many to believe the shooter was aided in his efforts. Many suggest it was the government. The purpose was to build a case to repeal the second amendment.

The great insurrection of January 6, 2021 

Many suggest the event was sanctioned by the FBI  and Capitol Police. It was an entrapment scheme that resulted in charging more than 800 people with various crimes. Some charged with misdemeanors have been in jail awaiting trial for more than a year.

If you research the insurrection case you’ll likely come across the name Ray Epps. Ask how many men like him are working to send others to do the most horrific of acts. To add to the theory, you’ll find that google only reports Epps as a good guy.

Back To Uvalde Texas

On May 14, 2022, ten days before the Uvalde school shooting, an 18-year-old shooter killed ten people in a Buffalo NY grocery store.

The Buffalo shooter was well-armed, including an assault-style weapon, body armor, and a video camera mounted to his helmet.

Former NYPD commissioner Bernard Kerik described the shooter as obviously well trained. His assault was strategic and methodical.

Enter The Conspiracy

One internet digger disclosed that the shooter from Buffalo NY and the Uvalde, Texas shooter had been groomed online by the same party, known as “Armand”. It may be noted that the name is translated as ‘Soldier’.

The fact that the FBI and others are actively grooming and recruiting young men is no longer a theory. Usually, these young men fit the similar profile of both the Texas and New York shooters.

That would be young, mentally ill, (perhaps taking Psychotropic Medications). loners, and often from dysfunctional families. They are also active on the internet.

Take the case of Jerry Drake Varnell. The FBI knowingly engaged him in a plot to blow up an Oklahoma bank. Jerry is a Paranoid Schizophrenic. He had been hospitalized several times. The FBI knew it.  

The case reminds us of the Governor Whitmer kidnapping case in Michigan. The FBI formulated a conspiracy to kidnap the Governor and then recruited a few weak-willed men to go along with them.

The plan was to frame the men in what the media called a ‘rightwing’ anti-government plot.

The jury heard the truth. Two were found not guilty. A mistrial was declared in the trial of the other two charged in the charade.

There’s More

It seems easier to believe the conspiracy than it is to believe police reports. How reasonable is it that a conspiracy theorist would prophetically post of the Texas shooting 13 days before it occurred?

The War On Children - What Evil Is Willing To Do

In each of the above conspiracy theories, people will generally say something like, “I can see that happening.” It certainly suggests that more questions need to be answered.

Some say the shootings, orchestrated by government agents, are a distraction from what Special Prosecutor John Durham is doing.

Others suggest it is to distract from what is happening in Ukraine. 

You will read that chaos is an attempt to cause the Supreme Court to change its votes and uphold Roe v. Wade

Still, others believe the killings are from dark followers of Satan fulfilling ritualistic human sacrifices. A deep sinister Luciferian plot. The grooming of the young men is to have them ready when a sacrifice is required.

What Do I Believe?

I think that God is moving on the earth to bring righteousness to the nations. I believe that evil is consuming a great part of humanity with the goal of pushing the timetable of the end time Satanic rule of Revelation.

The chaos created by satanic lawlessness foments fear. The fear emboldens the darkness to rule over the lives of the fearful. People want order. When sufficient chaos is present, they are ready to surrender everything to have a sense of peace.

The horrific killing is doing exactly that. Image for a moment the mind that can conceive a plot that has teens as in Texas and New York killing children.

Like the Governor Whitmer case, the men recruited are not capable of the acts without substantial help from others. Those others, whoever they may be, are evil incarnate.

In the final analysis, we must come to realize that we are in a spiritual battle. The evil of the devil is in a deadly attempt to defeat God and take rule over the earth.

The War On Children - What Evil Is Willing To Do

Spiritual Warfare is Real – My Book However is Fiction.

Read this story. It will frighten you in the manner of many horror movies. It’s not horror, it is about evil. An evil that really does exist.

The War On Children - What Evil Is Willing To Do
Click The Image ⬆️

While I want everyone to see the evil of the devil, I am not pitching the book to make money.

All, 100% of the proceeds of this book are being donated to the MyPillow guy, Mike Lindell. Mike Lindell, a former crack addict, understands the works of the devil.

Buy the book. All the money goes to the Lindell Recovery Network.

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