There Is Only One Truth

There Is Only One Truth

Two plus two will always be four. Gravity will always cause items to fall down, never up.

The sun will always rise in the east and set in the west.

What is true is true. It’s the truth.

Merriam-Webster defines true as:

  • An adjective as in true faith.  Steadfast, Loyal, Honest, Just
  • An adverb means without deviation. The bullet flew straight and true
  • A noun. Truth, Reality
  • A verb. To make level, square, balanced

When people testify in court they are sworn to tell the truth. They are to tell the whole truth, nothing but the truth. Saying it like that supposes that there is a truth that is not the whole truth. It is possible to say something that is true, but it may not necessarily be accurate truth.

In court, lawyers frame questions in a manner that requires accurate, true answers. People are sneaky. They will oftentimes look for a way to lie without lying.

I think that we can safely say that a lie, is a lie, is a lie.

I watched a YouTube video, Shared My Fatih With an Atheist. It Didn’t Go Well with Ray Comfort of Living Waters

Ray Comfort has a marvelous way of explaining the gospel. Not the history of it, but rather the need for it. Why people need salvation. The assurance of not going to hell when we die.

I am sure the lady Ray speaks to in the video (here’s the link again) is a nice person. She is conscientious, moral, and cares for her children. She’s horribly deceived. It comes out in her own testimony.

The Truth

The truth is, that God created the heavens and the earth. God is the creator. Without God, nothing would exist.

The truth is, that God created man in His own image.

The truth is, that God created man to be perfect. Without sin.

The truth is, that God gave man free will. We are allowed to do as we choose. We can freely sin by disobeying God

The wages of those sins is death. Read Romans 6:23. Not only does the body die, but the human spirit also dies. First, it is cast into everlasting punishment, and then, in the very end, cast into the lake of fire to exist no more.

God Gave Us A Way Out. 

This is the part we understand as believers, but the lady in the video refuses to believe. It is true but she wants it to be otherwise.

Jesus paid the price. He bore the punishment for our sin. Through His sacrifice, we live. When our body dies, we go to heaven not hell.

Not because we deserve it, but because our penalty, our fine, our punishment, was paid by another. Jesus.

Pray for the lady in Ray’s video. Pray for all those who need to hear the truth.

A great revival is upon us. Even now it is breaking all across the world. 

God is and will show Himself to us through miracles, signs, and wonders. Pray the eyes of the people are opened. Pray they accept life.

Speaking Of Life

The Supreme Court did what millions have prayed for. They ended abortion as a constitutional right. While mothers can still kill their babies, it is not protected by the constitution.

This single event, the overturning of Roe v Wade, is known in the prophetic as the ‘Birth of a New Era’ Watch as the hand of God now moves to restore righteousness on the earth.

The overturning of Roe opens the door for God to again pour out His blessing on the nation. It will be biblical.

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There Is Only One Truth

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