Time Is Running Out For The Enemies Of God – Roe, And The Summer Solstice

Time Is Running Out For The Enemies Of God - Roe, And The Summer Solstice

We are about to witness the greatest moment in history. 

We can not fathom how great this will be. What God is about to do will be greater than Exodus.

YES, It will be greater than what happened at the Red Sea. It will and greater than the days of Noah and the flood.

This will be one of the greatest worldwide moves of God in all of history. It’s going to be biblical, It’s going to be of God. And it’s going to involve Proverbs 13:22.

But the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.

A Time Of Blessing. 

Those who prepare will enjoy the spoils.

The timing of the blessing involves God turning His face back to His children.

God turned His back on America fifty years ago following the Roe v. Wade decision.

When America overturns Roe v. Wade, God will again turn and face His children. His anger against the people will end.

The tables will turn and God’s anger will shift to the wicked. Matthew 21:12

There will be vengeance on the wicked and favor on God’s righteous.

The timing of Summer Solstice is June 21st (the day of the most light)

Consider This

The gestation time for childbirth is 40 weeks. Bo Polny builds a timeline beginning on Rosh Hashanah 2021. (Begins a year of Jubilee)

Watch this power video

Childbirth, 40 weeks would be June 12th. That just happened to be Pentecost.

Prophetically speaking, something is about to change. We are going to see the birth of a new era.

No one knows the date and hour. It is explained like this.

The doctor tells a mother her delivery date. As that day approaches we know the birth can be at any time. It could be that day, it could be three days later, or perhaps a couple of weeks.

The Birth Of The New Era Is Imminent

The birth is nearly here. No one knows the day, exactly, but the birth, the event, will be soon. Just like every birth.

What comes will be God’s vengeance. 

To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn;

Isaiah 61: 2

There Are Biblical Clues

Research shows that the date Jesus entered the temple and read Isaiah 61 was June 18th. Three days later is the summer solstice.

The point is, that God is moving, something biblical is about to happen. 

The formal announcement of the decision to overturn abortion will be the final move.

When Roe is ended, the New Era will be born. We’ll see the birth of God’s righteousness on earth. Wickedness will be cast out. 

The history of the shift away from God and His blessing began in 1971.

Nixon took America off the Gold standard and money was created. Lots of it. Corruption in the government went to new levels as free money was spread across every sector. 

The Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision caused God to turn His back on America. His blessings and protection stopped.

The seven mountains of culture were corrupted beyond measure. God allowed it. America rejected God and he allowed the people to have their own way.

Wickedness Has Had Its Way

The arrogance of man, his pride has led to unthinkable sin.

Proverbs 16:18 says that ‘pride comes before the fall’. (destruction) 

When God moves, it will be frightening. The whole earth will witness the mighty works of God. Remember the parting of the Red Sea. Remember, the whole earth was covered in the flood of Noah.

While our focus is on America, the New Era is a worldwide event.

Remember that those who trusted in God enjoyed great blessings.

The move of God is coming. It starts at any moment. It will be complete by September 25th the last day of God’s year of Jubilee. (Rosh Hashanah)

Prepare yourself for signs, wonders, and miracles.

Want A Taste?

Read my short story, THE TENT It’s FREE as a simple download. You will begin to see what is coming.

Time Is Running Out For The Enemies Of God - Roe, And The Summer Solstice
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