We Have Changed How We Live – The First Focus Is Jesus

We Have Changed How We Live - The First Focus Is Jesus

Everything has changed. The year 2020 has shown that the first focus of our lives must be Jesus.

Since Covid-19, the lock-down, masks, and the horrible election of November 3rd, we found the need to change nearly everything we do.

It includes how we pray and our attention to God, and His word.

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. 

James 4:8 NKJV

Some will call it ‘The Perfect Storm’. They are probably right. The cascading events of 2020 and the continuations into 2021 have caused us, my wife and I, to draw near to God. To reunite ourselves with the hope that is in us.

Jeremiah reminds us that when we call upon God, He will hear us and listen. 

Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. 13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. 

Jeremiah 29: 12-13 NKJV

So we began doing exactly that. 

For the past several months, we have been praying, focusing on the things of God, and listening to a whole new batch of people.

We have given up on all the network news sources. The ones we once trusted to tell us the truth have proven unreliable. It seems their agenda is more important than the truth.

The World Prayer Network has been an incredible source of strength. Watching and agreeing with prayer warriors who refuse to give in to the lies of the enemy.

YouTube is no real friend but…

When we changed what we watch, we were led to YouTube. It was awkward at first. We went there to see specific programs. 

We Have Changed How We Live - The First Focus Is Jesus

YouTube seemed an unlikely place to find an all-new source of information. What we discovered was just what we needed.

If you are not watching Dutch Sheets and his GiveHim15 program, you are missing a wonderful devotional that has a unique way of getting your day started. (we watch first thing in the morning)

It’s not all perfect

We understand that not everything we see is ‘perfect’ doctrine. We also know that some of what we watch is considered ‘radical’ by other Christians.

We also know there are far too many Christians (one is too many) who seem okay with things like abortion, and anti-semitism. 

It’s time to get past style and personalities and embrace the word of God. Even if the messenger seems radical.

We urge you to have a look. Start with Dutch Sheets’ GiveHim15 cited above. Then maybe watch a few of his YouTube videos. 

Want Christian-centered news? Try GoVictory.com. Yes, it is a channel from Kenneth Copeland. If that’s a problem, just watch it for the news. While there you’ll see the twice-weekly program FlashPoint. Watch it. You will likely see some things you’ve never seen before.

We Have Changed How We Live - The First Focus Is Jesus

One of the regular guests on FlashPoint is Lance Wallnau. If you are unfamiliar with him, you are encouraged to have a look at his Facebook page. He also has a one-hour program at noon on Saturday on RealAmericasVoice.

America is in free fall. The culture is spinning headlong towards Marxism. Big tech is censoring what we say while the media is trying to scare us into conforming.

The government wants to vaccinate your children, keep them from school, close your business, and shutter your church.

We Have Changed How We Live - The First Focus Is Jesus

We have the power to resist. We have the presence of God to defend and protect us. Pray, and do as you are led. 

We Have Changed How We Live - The First Focus Is Jesus

Revival has begun. See what is happening with Mario Murillo and Sean Feucht. There is a reason to be hopeful. That reason begins with Jesus and knowing that God is still on the throne.

I hope you find value in my posts. I would like to hear your comments. You can put them in the comments section below.

I have a short ebook I am giving away when you subscribe to my site with the link here. How Can I Pray

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