What Are You Hearing? Do You Know About God’s Great Move?

What Are You Hearing? Do You Know About God's Great Move?

As America and the world move ever closer to the “New Era”. it is becoming equally obvious that many church leaders are on the outside.  As God moves to restore His righteousness some pastors are content to watch.

Whether you are a follower of Christ, an apostate, or worship Baal, know that God is moving. His Glory will fall. The Holy Spirit will have His way in the land. The only question is, will you take part, or will your unbelief steal your inheritance?

There appears to be a wide swath of Christian churches, many from the various denominations, walking in unbelief. The coming Glory simply does not fit an acceptable religious narrative.

I wonder if it might be compared to Saul. A Jewish Pharisee and religious zealot. There was nothing in the training of Saul, that would allow him to accept that Jesus of Nazareth was as He claimed. 

Not even the signs, wonders, and miracles could persuade Saul of Tarsus to accept Christ.  

It would be later, after his road to Damascus experience, that Saul would preach Acts 13 including verses 40-41.

What Are You Hearing? Do You Know About God's Great Move?

Education in America is hitting new lows each year. Critical Race Theory  (CRT), the acceptance and promotion of transgender teaching, and the destruction of traditional American values are now prevalent in the educational system. Has it crept into the church?

I wonder if the wokeness of our educational system has infected those attending seminary. 

What’s Your Pastor Saying?

It is discouraging to know that many members of the clergy remain silent on the sin that is destroying the lives of so many people. Failing to call sin for what it is, is tantamount to inviting Satan and his minions to have their way. It is like placing a welcome mat at the souls of the people,

It has been reported that the six largest churches in Nashville, Tennessee failed to applaud the Supreme Court Ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade.

The ruling was the answer to fifty years of prayer. The constitutional approval of abortion ended on June 24, 2022. When it did, those six churches failed to celebrate what only God could accomplish.

Think about that for a moment. For fifty years, America, as a nation, approved the killing of 63 million unborn children. In those fifty years, a remnant church prayed without ceasing that God would move in the land and stop the killing.

When it happened, something only God could accomplish, many mega-churches did not notice. 

Are those the same churches failing to see what God is doing to restore righteousness? 

Are they the same churches that accepted, during the 2020 pandemic scare, the government’s edict that church is not essential? 

Are they the same churches that blindly encouraged their members to accept the jab, and in turn found financial rewards?

What Is Your Church Doing?

Is your pastor using every service as an opportunity to give an invitation for people to come forward for salvation? (The alter call) Without a message of salvation, the church is doomed. 

Are the services equipping the congregation to fight the spiritual battle between good and evil?  That very fight is currently raging in the realm of the spirit. Looking at the seven mountains of culture it is easy to see that evil has filled the earth.

Is there a watchman on the wall at your church? Is the pastor or other leaders sounding the alarm that evil is attempting to overcome the church? Your adversary goes about like a roaring lion seeking who he can devour. Is that adversary being identified where you worship?

I Love Pastors.

I have no interest in demeaning them, None of them. God loves them, how can I not do the same? I am only asking, is your shepherd leading? Are you being fed the food that will strengthen you in the spiritual battle coming to all of us?

The concern I have for those in the pulpit is they believe a well-researched ten-week study of Romans 8 will suffice. They are speaking from the word, how could it be the wrong message?

It’s Not.

It is the right message at the wrong time. Sunday is the time to warn the sheep. It is time to equip the people to stand against the devil. It is the time that we learn how to pray by praying earnestly in the service. It is the time to call the sinner to repent. It is the time to make the message of salvation so compelling, that no one will refuse. It is time to be led by the spirit to accomplish all of this. Every week.

The midweek service is the time to study.

It Is Coming

The coming “New Era”, the outpouring of God’s Glory is real. It is not a fairytale or wishful thinking. It is the fulfillment of Prophecy. Choosing to not believe will not stop what God has in store for the world in general, and America in particular.

Pulling down the strongholds of wickedness will happen. Every evil will be exposed. There is no hiding from God. Governments across the globe will see corruption uncovered and truth revealed.

I have run out of words to describe the wickedness running amuck in the United States. Every aspect of life has been corrupted. It will be set right by God.

The battle in the realm of the spirit is raging even now.  The Hosts of Heaven are fighting the demonic forces of Satan. God does not lose.

When the demonic forces are bound, and God’s Glory is poured out on the earth. Many will be afraid, Many will be caught unaware, and many will rejoice. Which one are you?

Remember Habakkuk 1: 5 God answered the prophet’s plea to end the plunder and violence in the land.

“Look among the nations and watch—Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days Which you would not believe, though it were told you.

Read my FREE short story. When you do, you’ll get a flavor of what the Glory might look like.

What Are You Hearing? Do You Know About God's Great Move?

Just click here or on the image. This is a short story, only 26 pages. You won’t be disappointed. A simple download you can read on any device.

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