What Do You Believe? Are You Hearing The Truth?

What Do You Believe? Are You Hearing The Truth?

We must know what we believe. The questions are being asked over and over again. Is the government lying to me? Am I hearing the truth? Can I trust what they are doing?

At nearly every turn we see things that don’t make sense. We are locked down, wearing masks, and must be vaccinated to work. The question is important when we consider the tens of thousands crossing the southern border without any limitation. Those same people are secretly relocated into the heart of the nation.

Are the mandates in place because of the virus, or are we being brainwashed to blindly follow orders?

Consider the adverse reactions to the vaccine that are not reported publically. The data is available but any attempt to disclose the numbers is met with censorship.

What I Believe

What Do You Believe? Are You Hearing The Truth?

When I read the quote “If the American people ever find out what we have done, they will chase us down the street and lynch us” I considered lynching would be too good for them.

While attributed to George H W Bush, he may have not actually said it. 

What is important is that the American people believe there is a lot the government has done that is worthy of lynching.

The lies of government are being exposed daily. The great Russia hoax has been exposed. The world knows that Hillary Clinton and the left created it to destroy Donald J. Trump. It was all a lie and the whole of government was in on it.

Now we are two years into another scheme to control the people. The global plan is to take over the world with one government. A global reset.

We the people will be but slaves to the oligarchs of the world.

I Believe The Virus Was Planned

I believe that the same government that framed Trump, guided him to the wrong Covid-19 solution. The CDC, NIH, Fauci, and all the other players had a huge financial stake in the scheme designed to create fear in the hearts and minds of the people.

What Do You Believe? Are You Hearing The Truth?

It was all done with the aid of WHO and world leaders that have corrupt motives to bring about a one-world order.

I believe Robert F Kennedy Jr knows all of it. He exposes it in his best-selling book.

Big pharma is a money machine bent on providing drugs that cause death and destruction. The governments of the world are part of the plan because they share in the profits.

It Almost Worked

There is a demonic dimension to all of it. It is Satan’s desire that the world is controlled by him through his proxy.

God is not about to allow that to happen. Satan once called Lucifer, attempted sedition once before. He was thrown out of heaven. His final fate is known. He will not succeed.

While it seems he has an upper hand, God has a plan. God will save America. The people of God must pray and trust Him.

Our role as believers is to resist fear. Fear is the weapon that evil uses to subdue the righteous. When people are consumed with fear, they are not rational and will usually follow blindly those claiming to have a solution.

Remember fifteen days to slow the spread? Then thirty days? Then the schools, churches, and businesses closed. They spread fear that all would die if the draconian measures were not used.

Now we’re at forced vaccines that have the worst adverse reaction numbers in the history of man. Estimates show a half million people have died after receiving the vaccine.

We Must Not Give In To Fear

 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.  2 Timothy 1:7 KJV

Power –  Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. 1 John 4:4 KJV

Love – For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 KJV

Sound Mind – Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 
7. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4: 6-7 KJV

In the coming days, weeks, and months, there will be events we never thought possible. We will see things we would never expect, nor can we explain. It will be of God.

When the people pray, God will answer. There will be disturbing moments. Times that the unbelievable will be used to invoke fear. Scripture is filled with terrifying moments when God acted on behalf of His people.

Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31: 6 NKJV

We will witness signs, miracles, and wonders.

God will save America. When America is saved, the world will follow. 

Mario Murillo had something to say about the year ahead. Read it here. It will be worth your time to read it.

Have you read my FREE short story The Tent. I think you’ll enjoy it. It is written for the days we’re in. I can’t tell you anymore. Just read it and tell me what you think. When you request the short ebook in PDF form I’ll ask you to subscribe to my site. You can unsubscribe at any time. Click the image.

What Do You Believe? Are You Hearing The Truth?

Don’t Forget Mike Lindell

Mike – The MyPillow Guy is a recovered crack addict. He founded the Lindell Recovery Network to help other addicts find freedom from addiction. The Christ-Centered program is FREE to anyone with a desire to get clean.

All – 100% of the proceeds from the sale of my Novel are donated to the program. When you buy the book, you get an amazing crime thriller with the added bonus of helping addicts find freedom. Click the image.

What Do You Believe? Are You Hearing The Truth?

1 thought on “What Do You Believe? Are You Hearing The Truth?

  1. Bro. Morillo, as I see it, the Lord has you on the right track. I have been FOR Pres. Trump since his first term, but since then I have prayed that God would be gentle with him in humbling him, and it not be as severe as what God put on King Nebuchadnezzar. I do believe Pres. Trump is God’s man for the hour, but Christians MUST not make a god out of ANY man! I expect God to use Donald Trump but we must trust God alone and not man. Only the supernatural power of of God and His mercy and grace and save us and make us into what the children of God are predestined to be as in Rom. 8:29. All that we do, are and even think need to be wth the GLORY of God in mind.

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