Where Are We Headed? What Can We Expect? Three Possibilities

Where Are We Headed? What Can We Expect? Three Possibilities

American’s want to know where we’re headed. Many are not sure what to expect. The executive orders replacing the legislative process have millions afraid that government overreach will usurp the constitutional rights of the people. 

Free speech is certainly under attack. Free expression of religion has a giant target painted on its back. School children are locked out of learning. The government, both state and federal are not done with their attack on liberty with Covid-19 as a cover.

The First Possibility

This is likely the least favorite of freedom-loving people. It is the best option for those wishing to eliminate freedom and choice. 

The Biden / Harris administration has a pro-socialist agenda supported by the communists. It requires, ultimately, the elimination of property rights, free expression of religion, free speech, and gun rights.

In addition, the moral condition of America will continue to spiral towards Sodom. Abortions will increase, transgender rights will expand, the public schools will teach children their parents are evil, and sexual exploitation of children will become an acceptable lifestyle.

The rights of women have been cast off to curry favor with the powerful radical left LGBT lobby. Men now compete in women’s sports, use women’s restrooms, use women’s locker rooms including the showers, all because they identify themselves as being female.

Fathers of young girls are being told they must allow grown men to enter restrooms being used by their daughters.

Small Business Loses

If the radical left has its way, all small businesses will cease to exist in favor of the corporate giants. Their shrewdness does not require a ban on business. They understand that with a continued lockdown from the pandemic, small businesses will simply disappear.

The business owners who believe they can survive will find regulators descending upon them with demands that are financially prohibitive.

The large multinational corporation will step in and provide the goods they want the people to buy. Supply will be limited, and choices will be few. A quick look at Venezuela proves what happens when authoritarian rulers take control.

The left-leaning immigration lobby is finally seeing progress. The southern border is being opened to any and all wishing to enter the country. Workers in America will see their jobs taken by immigrants willing to work for less. 

The winners are big business. Lower wages equal higher profits.

With thousands of doctors not working, immigrant doctors will find jobs simply because they will work for less. They come unsaddled with the debt of medical school.

The Second Possibility

There is a serious effort being mounted by the ‘deplorables’ to restore conservative leadership in the states. 

The plan is to control the state legislatures in time for the 2022 congressional election. With the right people in place, center-left-leaning republicans will have less influence in the congressional races. 

There is also a groundswell of support to challenge candidates such as Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming. The plan is to successfully primary representatives and senators out of their job. 

The plan is contingent on eliminating fraud from elections. The Dominion system now going to court to prove they are legitimate, are still in use, and could influence the outcome of future elections. Control of state legislatures will go a long way to see that systems like Dominion are not used.

The Third Possibility

This is the favored choice by many, especially those in the evangelical community.

There is a growing prayer movement that is extending to countries across the globe. Its focus is on a rival and worldwide great awakening. Millions are praying for God to intercede in America.

There is an acknowledgment that America has turned away from her covenant with God. The nation has allowed sin to become so pervasive that many have lost all sensitivity to what evil looks like.

The prayers are working. Evangelists are reporting that spontaneous mini revivals of one to five thousand people are breaking out all across the country.

Millions of prayer warriors are interceding for the nation. Many are reporting that God is showing them that revival is coming. A great awakening to the presence and power of God is on the horizon.

Truth Will Be Seen

Others are seeing a continued shaking in America to expose the corruption in government. It has long been understood that the Washington DC swamp is a very real thing. Millions of dollars find their way into the pockets of politicians for favors to the powerful in business, media, tech, and Wall Street.

Those who are pulling the financial strings of the swamp have much to gain with the policies of Biden / Harris.

Prayer is a weapon of the people that can not be stopped by the elite, the powerful, or the politician. When God decides to act, His power and glory will be such a display that none will be able to deny it.

America has a covenant with God. God will not be mocked by those who believe He does not exist. God has a record of defending His people. His people are now praying for Him to rescue them in their despair.

Christians are humbling themselves, praying, seeking the face of God, and repenting for the great sins of the nation.

The third possibility is the best one. Join with millions of Americans and pray.

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