Your Greatest Adventure Is Upon You. Are You Ready?

Your Greatest Adventure Is Upon You. Are You Ready?

I had a couple of chance meetings the other day while getting my oil changed. First was the trumpet player from the small praise band at church. It was nice to fill the ninety-minute wait talking with a friend.

Yes, it took ninety minutes. They were busy. They’re busy because they do a great job. But I digress.

Then, as I was leaving, I saw a man with a Slingshot. No, not the kind that breaks the neighbor’s window.

This guy was driving a three wheeled roller skate. A cross between a sports car and a motorcycle. The open top two seat hotrod is driven like a sports car. The constant breeze makes it feel like a motorcycle.

The thing has a steering wheel like any car. The wind will blow just like a motorcycle. This guy had a top-of-the-line helmet. It is what any sensible Harley rider would wear.

He was parked next to me. He arrived as I was leaving. He had a problem with a tire.

There is no good thing that can come from a Slingshot with a flat.

It’s an adventure

I asked how he liked the Slingshot. He loved it. For the next few minutes, he told me a little of what he’d done the past months.

He was just back from Key West. He lives in Dallas, but has driven the sporty vehicle all across the county. His joy riding included roaming the full expanse Yellowstone Park.

Your Greatest Adventure Is Upon You. Are You Ready?

The vehicle had no discernable trunk or storage area. When I asked where he kept his luggage, he pointed to a space behind the two side-by-side bucket seats. The space looked like it might accommodate a backpack, but little else.

The stranger seemed like a happy camper. A retired man on a great adventure in a topless red racer. It might not be great fun when the weather turns bad.

The guy from Dallas was on an adventure. He would likely find many places most of us will only read of. It could be exciting. With the exception of times of severe weather, breakdowns, or flat tires, it might be fun.

We are all on an Adventure

We, the collective of mankind are on an adventure. It is biblical, and it is real. Many of us have read about the things that occurred in ancient days.

The winds are blowing even now. They will get much worse.

In the days ahead, I doubt many will consider life an adventure. We will not liken them to those of the Slingshot driver. The coming storms will be far more than heavy rain, high winds, or sweltering desert heat.

Your Greatest Adventure Is Upon You. Are You Ready?

It will be much worse.

The Slingshot man was wearing rain gear. He was prepared. He was making an effort to protect himself from the storms.

My greatest concern right now is many if not most of mankind are riding through life unaware of the danger that lies ahead. The bridge is out and many are barreling towards the abyss, not the least bit concerned. We are unprepared.

The best of times, the worst of times

Charles Dickens’ familiar phrase seems right for today. The worst of times came for most when COVID hit the world.

We were sixty days into the ‘thirty days to flatten the curve’ when George Floyd died at the hands of police on Memorial Day weekend in Minneapolis.

That led to a summer of riots. It was the worst of times.

That wasn’t the beginning.

The COVID panic was the moment people began to pay attention. The set up began decades ago.

The day is not far off when the whole scheme will be exposed. Despite the corruption, the lies, the wickedness in high places, the truth is coming out.

Every day we learn of new evil. There is a daily uncovering of serious crimes. It’s Luciferin. The behavior is in the highest places of power and authority.

There is a satanic wickedness on earth. It happened before and it is happening again.

I could go on for another thousand words to report what is just the tip of the iceberg. I won’t.

The point is this.

I want to tell anyone who will listen, that very dark days are ahead. Millions of people will die. It is part of the sinister plan of evil. It is what leaders privately want to happen.

If you are not ready to meet God, if you do not know where your human soul will spend eternity, then this is for you.

You must make things right with God. You must find salvation. It comes from only one source.

Jesus. He is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Jesus.

Jesus paid the penalty for the sins of all mankind. There is one catch. We must accept His payment. We must acknowledge His gift of everlasting life in heaven.

Without it, an eternity in hell is assured.

How do we do that?

In the simplest terms. Repent and turn to Jesus. Read what I wrote in the article Born Again. Your eternal soul depends on it.

There is good news

God wins. God’s plan for mankind does not include surrendering His creation to Satan.

I’ve written of this for three years and I still believe it is coming. I wish it would come quickly, but God’s timing is always perfect.

The days ahead will have tremendous challenges, but they will also include amazing miracles. It’s been said that the sick will be taken to church rather than the hospital.

What is coming will be an adventure. It will be like nothing you have ever seen.

God’s plan will be worth the wait.

Put on the rain gear, get ready for the storm that’s coming. To survive you’ll need to be covered with the saving knowledge and grace of Jesus Christ.

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Your Greatest Adventure Is Upon You. Are You Ready?

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